Holding Strong by Lori Foster -

Holding Strong by Lori Foster

cover58339-mediumTitle:  Holding Strong
Series:  Ultimate #2
Author:  Lori Foster
Genre:  Contemporary Romance/MMA

Blurb:   An up-and-coming MMA fighter wants more than just one night from a woman fleeing her past in New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster’s irresistible new novel

Heavyweight fighter Denver Lewis plays real nice, but he doesn’t share. That’s why he’s been avoiding top-notch flirt Cherry Peyton. But a man can only resist those lush curves for so long. Their encounter surpasses all his fantasies, bringing out protective urges that Cherry’s about to need more than she knows…

Denver’s combination of pure muscle and unexpected tenderness has been driving Cherry wild. Yet no sooner does she get what she’s been craving than old troubles show up on her doorstep. And this time, Cherry can’t hide behind a carefree facade. Because the man by her side is one who’ll fight like hell to keep her safe…if only she’ll trust him enough to let him…

Both Heather and Sarah reviewed this book. Sarah’s review is first.

Sarah’s Thoughts:  I’ve been intrigued to read more about Denver and Cherry since their first appearance in this series – even though Denver was so intent on fighting their attraction to each other because of Cherry’s fun and flirtatious nature – and this book did not let me down! I loved the sparks that have always flown between these characters and the scenes between them this go round are captivating. I mean, who doesn’t love a big MMA guy playing nursemaid to the woman he’s attracted to when she’s sick and not at her best? Add to that the protective vibe that kicks in when some creepy characters start hanging around claiming to be her brothers? Oh, yeah – definitely some sexy vibes from these MMA hunks…even without the MMA action!

As more and more of Cherry’s past is revealed, I really connected and sympathized even more with her character and loved seeing how this new MMA ‘family’ enveloped her and came together to protect their own. It was really a beautiful story and a beautiful addition to the series. Well worth the wait!!

Rate:  A

Heather’s Thoughts: I was super reluctant to read this book because as much as I love Lori’s books the last couple series haven’t been my favorites and not what I love about her stories. When I opened up this title on my kindle I didn’t know who the author was because of the way it downloaded and then I was several pages in when I realized who the author was… which turned out to be a good thing because I loved this book.

Denver, there’s a lot I could say about him, but I won’t. I’ll just tell you he reminds me a lot of some of my favorite heroes from Foster, including Joe (from Say It Ain’t Joe) and Havoc (from her first MMA series) with a little of the others thrown in. From the moment he decides to stop fighting his attraction to Cherry (which thankfully happens in the beginning) its all about her and what he can do for her.

Cherry has been in love with Denver since about 2 minutes after meeting him, and just when she’s given up on him feeling anything for her he does what she’s only ever imagined. And then her past comes calling and as much as she wants to be with Denver she doesn’t want him anywhere near her past.

On top of the drama with Cherry and Denver we get to see Havoc again and also a glimpse into the next few books in this series and I have to tell you that based on what I read in this book I can’t wait. Once again Foster has shown why she’s on my auto-buy list.

Grade B+

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