Holiday Fun with Elisabeth Naughton -

Holiday Fun with Elisabeth Naughton

One of the people I love to talk to on twitter is Elisabeth Naughton, she is a ton of fun and loves the same movies as me. I had to ask her to share her favorite holiday treats with us and also her favorite holiday read. 

Your question got me thinking…you know, I don’t know that I’ve ever read a holiday themed romance! How out of it am I? When I was younger I used to get all excited about the holidays but the older I get, the more work they seem! Maybe what I really need is a good holiday themed romance to get me in the mood!
My favorite holiday goodie though is easy…
Tea Time Tassies (Like mini pecan pies…heaven!): 
3 oz. cream cheese
1/2 c. butter, unsalted
1 c. flourFILLING:

1 egg, beaten
3/4 c. brown sugar
1 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
2/3 c. chopped pecans or walnuts

Mix cream cheese, butter, and flour together and chill until firm. Form pastry into 24 (1 inch) balls. Press into cupcake tins; fill with filling. To prepare Filling: Mix together egg, sugar, butter, and vanilla. Use half of nuts in bottom of each pastry shell. Add egg mixture to shells and top with remaining nuts. Bake 25 minutes at 325 degrees.

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  1. dorthy

    Oh I love pecan pie, so mini pecan pies, that i can hord and not share with my kids…oh yeah i’m all over that one 🙂 ok ok, i’ll let the kids each have one. LOL 🙂
    Thanks for the recipe, I will be making this one this year 🙂

  2. aurian

    Sure sounds lovely, thank you for the blogpost.


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