Holiday Fun with Erin Quinn -

Holiday Fun with Erin Quinn

Today Erin is sharing a recipe that I can’t wait to try. It’s perfect for holiday parties. She also has a new Christmas book out Kissing Kris Kringle  which is super cute.

Hummus (any flavor/type–red pepper is especially good)
1/2-1 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/4-1/2 bell pepper (chopped)
1/4-1/2 red onion (chopped)
1/4-1/2 cucumber (chopped)
1/4-1/2 tomato (chopped)
10-12 Kalamata olives (chopped)
Cilantro (optional)  (chopped)
On a flat serving dish, spread hummus so it coats bottom.  (A glass cake dish or crystal serving plate works best).  Spread bell pepper, red onion, cucumber, tomato, olives over hummus and feta cheese (and sprinkle with cilantro if desired) over entire dish.  Serve with crackers, pita bread or chips.  Enjoy!

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