Holiday Fun with Melissa Mayhue -

Holiday Fun with Melissa Mayhue

Today we have Melissa Mayhue sharing one of her families favorite holiday recipes with us. I have to say after reading this recipe I may be changing my fudge recipe. 
As far as favorite Christmas reads, I have to shame-facedly [not a word, but it should be] admit that I don’t have a book I re-read each Christmas.  There are so many new books I have waiting their turn in my TBR piles, I have very little time for re-reading.  Now, if we want to talk about a Christmas-themed book that made enough of an impression on me that I still love it, I do have one of those.
Christina Skye’s CHRISTMAS KNIGHT is one of my all-time favorite stories.  Of course, I don’t think Christina has written a romance that I haven’t read!
Now for my recipe:
This fudge is something my mother made every single Christmas for as long as I can remember.  She didn’t stop making it until well into her 80’s and by then my sons expected me to start!   It’s one of those foods that actually transports me to the holidays.  One taste and my brain BELIEVES it is December.  🙂
Christmas Candy
3 1/2 cups white sugar
13 ounces evaporated milk
1/4 pound butter
24 ounces Hershey bars, plain, broken into small pieces [any combination of bars to equal 24 ounces total]
12 ounces semi sweet chocolate chips
1 pound chopped pecans
16 ounces marshmallow creme
2 Tablespoons vanilla
Combine milk, sugar and butter in a large pan.  Boil at medium heat to soft ball stage.  [I recommend a candy thermometer].  Stir in Hershey bars, chocolate chips, vanilla, marshmallow creme and pecans.
Mix well and pour into large buttered pan [like a 9″ x 13″ cake pan].
Cool and cut into squares.  Makes approximately 5 pounds of rich, smooth, delicious fudge!
Wishing you ALL the happiest of holidays!!!

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  1. Melissa Mayhue

    If you’re a fudge lover, this is a recipe you definitely want to try. Best. Fudge. Ever. 🙂

    ~ Melissa

  2. aurian

    merry Christs to you too Melissa! I can’t wait to read your new book, it just hasn’t arrived yet.
    I also like Christina Skye books, I just have a hard time starting one, once I am reading I won’t put it down. So there are still a few unread on my shelves, perhaps I’ll read one more this year.


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