Holiday Recipes & Traditions: Spicy Cranberry Sauce from Jillian Stone -

Holiday Recipes & Traditions: Spicy Cranberry Sauce from Jillian Stone

Today’s yummy recipe is from the fabulous Jillian Stone who writes about those yummy Scotland Yard hunks.

Spicy Cranberry Sauce

Easy to make and super delish! Even family members who don’t like cranberry sauce love this. Also great on leftovers, especially turkey sandwiches.


1 can whole cranberry sauce

½ cup brown sugar

¼ tsp ground cloves

Juice of ½ lemon

3 Tbsp Orange Marmalade

3-4 Tbsp orange juice

Put all ingredients in saucepan ad heat for approximately 30 minutes, serve warm or cold, I usually double this recipe as it keeps well in the refrigerator.

** I have to interject that I make the same recipe only I use fresh cranberry’s instead of the canned ones **


Five books I want Santa to bring me this year:


Ghost Planet   Sharon Lynn Fisher

A Week to be Wicked   Tessa Dare

The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie   Jennifer Ashley

The Dark Garden   Eden Bradley

The Haunting of Maddie Clare   Simone St. James

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1 Comment

  1. Sharon Lynn Fisher

    I can probably help you with part of your Christmas list, either via Net Galley or my publicist at Tor, depending on your preferred format. 🙂 Thanks for the interest!


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