I know I know -

I know I know

So I haven’t been keeping up on a daily basis like a used to do, but come on guys give me a break, I have become an very busy person. I teach high school Italian 3 days a week and was just asked to take on 3 more classes thankfully not Italian, my semester starts back up next week for my grad school, and then there are my responsibilites as wife and Mom and let me tell you that Mike only has so much patience with him not having my undivided attention. By the time I get to read a book at night I read 5 pages before I fall asleep. so be patient with me as I only post a couple of time a week instead of every other day as I am now reading at the pace that everyone else reads.

I do have some books that have been piling up to review but haven’t had the time or the energy. I will leave you with this hint though, some have been real page turners and others I have skipped huge sections of. I will leave you with that and hope that tomorrow I can catch up on my blogging before the week-end when I have to grade 80 papers on Venice, Verona and Calabria.

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