A couple of months ago I was sent a book that I had no opinions of and no expectations. I read that book in one sitting. The author Stephanie Tyler, the book In the Air Tonight. I was officially hooked. Then I started talking to her on twitter and I liked her even more. Stephanie has a new series coming out so I thought it would be fun to have her on to talk about. Because this is her first visit here we dusted off the q&a. So grab your beverage of choice and meet Stephanie Tyler.
TBRG: Stephanie thank you so much for being her today.
ST: Thanks for having me! Love what you said about In The Air Tonight! I actually started writing that a long time ago, and then realized I had to go back and write other books first J
TBRG: Who has been the biggest influence on your writing?
ST: I’d have to say my daughter. Because she’s such a fighter. And I always think to myself, if she can have all these operations and be so happy, what right to complain about living my dream do I have? It makes me ignore the negative and really just concentrate on enjoying myself – and thinking about how I can make people happy with the books.
TBRG: What is the one thing your readers would be the most surprised to know about you?
ST: OMG – I have no idea! But that’s a really good question…maybe that I would like to live in Africa.
TBRG: Where is the one place you have always wanted to go, a place on your bucket list?
ST: I’ve been there (see above) so I guess living in Africa would be considered a bucket list – I love it there – it’s so peaceful.
TBRG: What was the first romance book that you read?
ST: I know I snuck some when I was younger – my mom loved historical romance – but I can’t remember titles or authors. The first one I read that made me go, I want to write this, was Tami Hoag’s Lucky’s Lady. It had me at the first page.
TBRG: Who are some of your go to authors, and what are you reading right now?
ST: Go to authors – Suz Brockmann, JR Ward for sure. Always Larissa Ione and Maya Banks and Jaci Burton, because I adore their writing! Now I’m reading some of the very first Lora Leigh Breed Books (I missed them – started in the middle of the series), Lara Adrain’s newest (LOVE her).
TBRG: If you weren’t writing and keeping us in books (thanks for that by the way), what would you be doing?
ST: Maybe still teaching? Hard to say because I really love my job now, so I can’t imagine. I know I wouldn’t love anything as much.
TBRG: What is your guilty pleasure?
ST: Mob Wives. Aka bad reality TV J
TBRG: Who is on your playlist when you are writing?
ST: I make different soundtracks for each book, so it varies. There’s always some classic rock on there, because that’s my first love – Motley Crue / Def Lepard, etc. You can see all the soundtracks for my books on my website – and you can listen to samples as well!
TBRG: Where do your ideas/characters come from?
ST: Ideas come from anywhere – a quote, a line someone says on TV, something I pass on the street. But typically the characters come first and they just arrive in my mind, named and everything J
TBRG: Are you a planner or a fly by the sear author?
ST: Flying by the seat of my pants! If I plot too much, I don’t want to write the book. Life would probably be easier if I could plot – and I’ve tried. But after almost 23 books written, I’ve come to the realization that I can’t change my process.
TBRG: How did you come up with Eternal Wolf Clan Series?
ST: A few inspirations, mainly because I read Twilight and couldn’t understand why the wolf didn’t win Bella’s heart – I mean, come on! I like vamps as much as the next person, but wolves are warm. And strong. And…well, you get the idea…
TBRG: Tell us about the series.
ST: It’s about a pack of the last remaining Dire Wolves – they’re all alphas, all badasses and it’s their responsibility to save the world. While doing so, they’re going to finally find their mates and get their shot at happiness.
TBRG: Tell us about Dire Needs.
ST: In Dire Needs, you meet Rifter, who’s the reluctant king of his pack – he’s recently been captured and experimented on by the weretrappers, thanks to a witch who was once one of his best friends. So he’s not in the best place when the story opens. But once he meets Gwen, he’s pulled to her, and he realized he needs to help her. At heart, it’s a romance, but there’s a lot of suspense too.
TBRG: What do you want us to know about Rifter and Gwen?
ST: They’re both kick-ass in their own way – I really like my heroes and heroines equally matches, not necessarily physically, but I love that they save each other, albeit in different ways.
TBRG: Using 3-5 adjectives describe Rifter and Gwen.
ST: Fierce. Sexy. Lonely. Loyal.
TBRG: What are you working on now?
ST: I’m working on Reid & Grier’s book (which will probably be a long novella) and my 1st new romantic suspense for the Section 8 series that starts next year. And a couple of other secret projects, because if I don’t have a million things to work on, nothing gets done. And I should be getting back some edits on Stray’s book (Dire Needs) soon too – I had the best time writing that one and can’t wait to dig back in!
To find our more about Stephanie Tyler and her amazing books visit her site
***Now for the really fun part Stephanie is giving away an ARC of Dire Needs and a swag bag, just leave a comment telling us why you love wolves as heroes. This is open world wide***
Doesn’t anyone like wolves? I love how protective they are!
Thank you for the interview. It made me want to read some of Stephanie’s books!
About the wolves, I have to agree with Stephanie: they are warm and strong. It must be so nice to be able to snuggle up to them!
(Still no facebook and twitter accounts)
Out of all the shifter types, wolves have the pack thing going for them. The hierarchy in the pack often makes for plot complications too.
Wolves are loyal to their pack mates and have natural protective instincts. Loyalty and a protectiveness are two things I like in heroes and an asset in relationships.
I like how feral and untamed they are, yet they are loyal.
They are loyal and protective and take care of their friends and mates.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Great interview, thank you ladies. I enjoyed reading it. I have to admit I like both wolves and vampires. For instance the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. She has it all

I like werewolves for their ferocity, their loyalty to the pack and their mate, and how they need to be protectors. But well, wolfhairs all over the house would drive me insane
Their are fiercely protective of their families.