Just One Season In London -

Just One Season In London

Just One Season in London
by Leigh Michaels

Meet the Ryecrofts…the family that courts together.

RYE — Viscount Ryecroft is a young man with a problem. Make that two problems: He has a beautiful sister to marry off — but no money to fund a London Season for her. Perhaps he needs to find an heiress for himself first?

SOPHIE – Miss Sophie Ryecroft is willing to marry for the good of the family — but since she can’t meet the sort of man Rye has in mind for her except in London, she’s looking for alternatives.

MIRANDA — Rye and Sophie’s mother, the dowager (but still young) Lady Ryecroft, will do anything for the sake of her children — even taking up again with a man she knew long ago, and offering to be his mistress.

Only in London can the Ryecrofts find their destinies…



I was not sure if I wanted to read this book or not, after reading The Mistress House which I just found as ok, I was a little hesitant.  I am so glad I did though! This story was quite a bit better.

The story follows a family who is in need of financial assistance and they are all willing to sacrifice for each other.  Many methods are considered: becoming a mistress, finding work at a theatre, or marrying wealth.  None of them really knowing how the outcome would be and that they will instead find what they all really need in the end.

In reading the story I loved the beginning but do have to say the middle got a little draggy at times, push through because it quickly picks back up and ends just how it should.


Grade B+


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1 Comment

  1. Aurian

    This sounds interesting. Three love stories in one book, and a close knit family.


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