Just What I Need by Erin Nicholas -

Just What I Need by Erin Nicholas

just what I needTitle: Just What I Need

Series: The Bradfords: The Epilogue bk 6

Author: Erin Nicholas

Genre: Contemporary

A Bradford Novella
As family and friends gather to see Dooley and Morgan get married, anticipation is high—but no one saw this much excitement coming. A wedding that doubles as a baby shower, a limo that doubles as an ambulance, a hospital room that doubles as a honeymoon suite… Sure, why not? It’s a Bradford wedding, after all.
Dani’s in labor, Sam’s in a daze, Ben’s taking charge, Sara’s crying, Jessica’s got a secret, Dooley’s missing his honeymoon—in other words, things are crazy. As usual. But through it all they’ve got each other. As always.
Warning: An epilogue to the Bradford series (seriously, this is an epilogue, so keep that in mind) featuring all the couples, a wedding, a baby—or two—and donuts. Because you have to have donuts.

One of my favorite contemporary series is Erin Nicholas Bradfords. This is a series that has it all, great friendships, hot chemistry, and lots and lots of love. Oh and some awesome sexy times.

If you haven’t read the other books in this series then I suggest to click over to whatever book buying store you use and buy them ALL. Yes I said to buy them ALL.

Morgan and Dooley are the last ones to get married, and it’s finally arrived….along with Sam’s baby.

There is a lot going on in this book, and all of it good. We get to see what’s happening with each of the couples, how Sam still feels about his sister having sex, and what they are planning for their futures. More than one couple announces they are pregnant, and Morgan and Dooley have some wedding night hijinks in the limo.

I have to say, as far as epilogues go this is one of the best ways to end a series.  It made me want to go back and read all the books over again.

If you’ve read the other books in the series you don’t want to miss this one.

Grade A

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