Kiss of Snow cover -

Kiss of Snow cover

Nalini has revealed the cover to Hawke’s book, which will come out July 1, 2011. It will also be Nalini’s first hardback book. Because everyone seems to love the men I mean covers of her books I thought I would share….

What more needs to be said right? Katie over at Babbling about Books tweeted Kaleb who when she saw this cover, I went Judd who. I think we can all safely say by far the hottest cover yet.

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  1. katiebabs


  2. Heather-admin

    Thought you might like that

  3. Erin E.

    Amazing! Will be drooling over this till I can get my hot little hands on the book! I agree BEST cover!

  4. Heather-admin

    Isn’t it though.


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