Kissing with Fangs by Ashlyn Chase -

Kissing with Fangs by Ashlyn Chase

cover37542-mediumTitle: Kissing with Fangs
Series: Flirting with Fangs Book #3
Author: Ashlyn Chase
Genre: Paranormal, Romance
Blurb: Will she be willing to commit her heart for all eternity once the fangs come out?
Claudia Fletcher has her MBA and a stellar resume, so when the bar she manages burns down, she could easily move on to bigger and better things. But something about the bar owner, Anothy Cross makes it impossible to leave. Anthony has never let on to the general public that he’s a vampire, and most of his staff members have no idea Boston Uncommon was a safe gathering place for supernaturals of all kinds. Now that it’s nothing but ash, the tentative peace among warring factions is starting to crumble. The last thing he wants to do is put Claudia in danger, but he also knows there’s no way he can let her go…
Thoughts: This is one of those books that when I started it, I had no idea it was a series. With that being said, I had an inkling that there was more to the story than I was getting. I found the need to look more into the author and her works, and get a good idea of where I was in the series – and see if I had missed a book or two in the beginning. Turns out this is book three, and I have to say that for a paranormal novel, this one came off a little lighthearted. It seemed to be missing a little something for me, and I really never found my attention caught by it. I can’t really say that if I read the first ones I would feel any different – it just seemed to lack a certain spark for me. The characters didn’t draw me in, nor did the storyline – parts of it seemed complicated where it didn’t need to be, and other parts were a little too blasé. This didn’t make for a good balance overall. This one was only okay for me, and if you already like the series, I’m sure you’ll like this one. If your new…well, if you think this one will be something that you like, I advise reading them in order.
Rate: C

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