Last Chance (A SkinWalker Novel) by T.G. Ayer Blog Tour + Giveaway + Reviews -

Last Chance (A SkinWalker Novel) by T.G. Ayer Blog Tour + Giveaway + Reviews

The 3rd installment in the DarkWorld: SkinWalker series.
With the loss of her sister still weighing down both her conscience and her heart, Kailin Odel must take on the next part of her mission – find her mother and Anjelo and bring them back from Wrythiin.
Kailin uses her mother’s portal key and enters the Wraith world intent on saving the ones she loves, but from the moment she arrives her mission is fraught with peril.
Arriving in Wrythiin, Kai steps right into the middle of a Wraith rebellion. And only to find that though Anjelo is safe, her mother is held captive by a subversive faction of Wraiths once led by the Wraithlord that Kai had killed.
From Wraiths to Shapeshifters, rebel causes to fraying family ties, to inexplicable new powers, Kai must fight her darkest demons while entering the blackest pits of Wrythiin to save her mother.
I have been a writer from the time I was old enough to recognize that reading was a doorway into my imagination. Poetry was my first foray into the art of the written word. Books were my best friends, my escape, my haven. I am essentially a recluse but this part of my personality is impossible to practice given I have two teenage daughters, who are actually my friends, my tea-makers, my confidantes… I am blessed with a husband who has left me for golf. It’s a fair trade as I have left him for writing. We are both passionate supporters of each others loves – it works wonderfully…
My heart is currently broken in two. One half resides in South Africa where my old roots still remain, and my heart still longs for the endless beaches and the smell of moist soil after a summer downpour. My love for Ma Afrika will never fade. The other half of me has been transplanted to the Land of the Long White Cloud. The land of the Taniwha, beautiful Maraes, and volcanoes. The land of green, pure beauty that truly inspires. And because I am so torn between these two lands – I shall forever remain cross-eyed.
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 My Review

Skin Deep (DarkWorld: SkinWalker Book 1)


The first book I read of T.G. Ayer’s was Dead Radiance which is book 1 in her Valkyrie series and have been hooked ever since. She has a writing style that sucks you into these magical worlds from page one and keeps you there until the last page is turned.


Skin Deep wasn’t any different. She introduced us to our heroine Kailin Odel, who happens to be a panther shape-shifter who is the protector of her community. The evil she’s protecting her community from are the soul sucking Wraiths. This is a place where mage’s, those like Kailin, and new paranormal beings old and new live side by side with us in the veil of secrecy.


Our kickass, strong-willed, independent, young heroine must find and stop those who are killing and bringing forth the world of the Para’s to those they wish to keep it hidden from. She’s also a fighter who won’t allow or tolerate her people to be taken advantage of.


Where would we be without a to die for hero? T.G. Ayer doesn’t disappoint us when she introduced us to the young cop Logan Westin. Not only was Logan the youngest cop patrolling the streets but he was also part of a secret division within the police department that investigates all things unexplained and strange. He was Omega.


Kailin and Logan’s worlds collide when a shifter is killed. They work together to try to solve the case but must also fight through the frustration and emotions that they are both feeling towards each other and the case at hand.


This was a great story. I look forward to Book 2.


Grade A+


Lost Soul (DarkWorld: SkinWalker Book 2)


Book 2 of T.G. Ayers DarkWorld series picks up where book 1 ends. I highly recommend that you read the books in order.


We were introduced to Kailin Odel in Skin Deep and she proved how determined, strong and kickass she was. She will protect her community and her people to the end.


The question though is she strong enough to handle the truth of her heritage, of who she is, of being Niamh? The Niamh is considered a hunter destined to defeat the Wrythiin, the new army.


Kailin comes in contact with a Wrythiin blade which contains a poison that now flows through her blood causing her tremendous pain. Her boyfriend Logan Westin, who we are introduced to in Skin Deep, is a Fire Mage and part of the elite group Omega. He has found away to slow down the poison and ease her pain but only temporarily.


Can Logan and Kailin find a cure before it’s too late? You’ll have to read the book to find the answer.


T.G. Ayer knocked it out of the park with this one. She introduced us to some new characters: death talkers, psychic trackers, mages, demons, ghosts, ancients, Faes and Necromancers. We must not forget the High Council that is who the Omegas report too.


She has us on the edge of our seat at the turn of every page. If you enjoy paranormal reads this is a book for you. Highly recommend.


Grade A+


Last Chance (DarkWorld: SkinWalker Book 3)


T.G. Ayer captures us from the opening scenes of a eloquently written funeral. As I’ve read each of her books I’ve been amazed at how her writing style changes to fit the mood of the book. The imagery is so vivid and draws us in fully. She writes in such a way that we as readers are able to understand the world she writing about. We understand who the characters are.


Kailin has faced so much since we met her in Skin Deep. When tragedy strikes friction within the community increases. They aren’t ready to face the changes that are coming but most importantly they want information and desire justice.


The community is faced with new enemies as well as joined by new allies. The book is full of twists and turns with an ending that will leave you speechless.


Looking forward to the next stage of the story.


T.G. Ayer has a way to tell a story with enough intrigue along with a touch of humor. The transitions and plot are smoothly written and you are definitely left wanting more.


If you enjoy paranormal this is a series for you.


Grade A+

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1 Comment

  1. Doris Orman

    Thank you so much for posting and the amazing ratings!!! <3


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