Series: Lords of Deliverance bk 3
Author: Larissa Ione
Genre: Paranormal
They are here. They ride. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Thanatos, the most deadly Horseman of the Apocalypse, has endured thousands of years of celibacy to prevent the end of days. But just one night with the wickedly sexy Aegis Guardian, Regan Matthews, shatters centuries of resolve. Yet their passion comes with a price. And Thanatos must face a truth more terrifying than an apocalypse-he’s about to become a father.
Demon-slayer Regan Matthews never imagined herself the maternal type, but with the fate of the world hanging in the balance she had no choice but to seduce Thanatos and bear his child. Now, as the final battle draws closer and his rage at being betrayed is overshadowed by an undeniable passion for the mother of his child, Thanatos has a life-shattering realization: To save the world, he must sacrifice the only thing he’s ever wanted-a family.
If you have not picked up one of Larissa’s book then you need to fix this. I came late to Larissa’s world and I have to say on one hand I’m glad because I have a lot of books to read
Thantos has been one of my favorite characters in this series and so I was really glad to FINALLY get to read his story. I think I read it in a couple of hours.
The conflict between Thantos and Regan is one of Regan’s making because when Thantos finally went after what he wanted with Regan it was to find out she’d betrayed him.
He has spent the last 8 months plotting his revenge, her at his mercy. When he finally escapes from where his siblings have kept him in a coma like state ever since her betrayal. When he finally gets to Regan and discovers she’s pregnant all he can think about is making sure he gets his son.
From the moment Regan plotted her seduction of Thantos there was something different with him, but all she could see was the end result of what her seduction would accomplish. And she never felt any guilt over her desicion that is until it’s almost time to give birth to their baby. The baby she has no intention of letting him know about, nor raising the baby herself.
The sparks between Thantos and Regan are explosive and definite page turners. I loved the emotion we get to see from Thantos his anger, love, desire. Add in the other demon-slayers, Thantos siblings, an angel whose out to destroy everyone and a couple of twists and this is an amazing book.
I do have to note that the way she leaves this book with the last horseman Pestilence has me chomping at the bit to find out what is going to happen.
Grade A