Lets Get it Started...The RomCon Reading Challenge -

Lets Get it Started…The RomCon Reading Challenge

We are 5 months away from one of the best reader conventions in the country, RomCon. With that in mind it is time to start knuckling down and getting started on the RomCon Reading Challenge. What is the RomCon Reading Challenge you ask, as if you haven’t see all the posts that we have done getting ready for this up till now. The RomCon Reading Challenge is where you read 1 book from every author that is attending, that way you have an idea of who they authors are and what they write.

The list has been posted and is updated weekly. To make it easier on everyone I have created a master spreadsheet with everyone that has confirmed to date, with a link to their websites and column for you to put the book that you are reading, making it easier to keep track of.

Every Tuesday here on our site we will post the review or spotlight one of the authors that is attending.

Here is  a link to the spreadsheet.  I will try and update this each week as the list of authors is confirmed.

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  1. Abby Gaines

    Great idea! Count me in as a reader!

  2. Heather-admin

    Thanks for joining us Abby. I finished your book this morning. Love the Daddy Diapers.


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