Mad About The Man by Tracy Anne Warren -

Mad About The Man by Tracy Anne Warren

cover71115-mediumTitle:  Mad About the Man

Series:  n/a

Author:  Tracy Anne Warren

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   After a devastating love affair broke her heart–and derailed her career–it’s taken Brie Grayson a while to recover. Now she’s back at a top New York City law firm, determined to rise above it all. And she’ll have to—especially when a major new client turns out to be the boy who made the seventh grade a living hell.

Luxury hotel magnate Maddox Monroe has clawed his way out of the ruins of his former life to build an empire. He knows what he wants and how to get it. But he couldn’t have anticipated reconnecting with the girl of his boyhood fantasies—all grown up and more alluring than ever.

But once Maddox breaks through Brie’s barriers to find the fiery woman hidden underneath, will lust lead to something lasting? Or will past heartache and fresh betrayals tear their future apart before it even has a chance to begin?

ThoughtsMad About The Man brings two successful people together – almost in the boardroom – and manages to throw in a childhood twist on top of that. Maddox always had a bit of a crush on Brie, but in typical boyhood fashion doesn’t always know the best way to express it. If anything he manages to make her somewhat hate him! (Let’s just say there is an embarrassing moment involving Mickey Mouse panties!) Fortunately for him, he’s managed to become much, much better at getting the ladies to like him over the years. Can manage to turn around Brie’s low opinion of him?

I thought this was a really sweet romance – a bit like a Harlequin Romance mix of a billionaire troupe/theme and the typical boyhood crush, with a little bit more depth. It at least it had that kind of a feel to it.  If those are right up your alley, then you won’t go wrong with this one!

Rate:  B


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