MERCY THOMPSON RE-Read Blog Tour - Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs -

MERCY THOMPSON RE-Read Blog Tour – Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson series Book #2 – BLOOD BOUND


Blurb:  Under the rule of science, there are no witch burnings allowed, no water trials or public lynchings. In return, the average law-abiding, solid citizen has little to worry about from the things that go bump in the night. Sometimes I wish I was an average citizen…
Mechanic Mercy Thompson has friends in low places-and in dark ones. And now she owes one of them a favor. Since she can shapeshift at will, she agrees to act as some extra muscle when her vampire friend Stefan goes to deliver a message to another of his kind.
But this new vampire is hardly ordinary-and neither is the demon inside of him.

Mercy Rating:  A-

Thoughts: Book one left Mercy in the debt of Stefan, the vampire – and in Blood Bound, Stephan has come to collect.  Typical Mercy, though, winds up in far more hot water than she bargained for!  In more ways than one.  Not only do you have that whole storyline going on, but you have the whole love triangle between Mercy, Samuel, and Adam.  There’s nothing I love more than a love triangle, especially with two such amazing alpha male characters.  That alone would have me reading book after book!

Another thing that I absolutely love about this series is the writing style – Briggs has an amazing style that seems to flow almost effortlessly.  The writing really pulls you into the story, gives you a connection to the story, and almost makes you feel like a part of the events.  From the characters to the writing, you can’t help but fall in love with this series…:)

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