Moonstruck Madness -

Moonstruck Madness

Laurie McBain
Moonstruck Madness
Dominick, book 1
Release date 02/11


In the blazing age of Scottish highwaymen, beautiful, aristocratic Lady Sabrina Verrick falls in among rogues and assassins to defend her home – thwart her father’s cruelty – and to quell her own irresistible passion for Lord Lucien Dominick, Duke of Camareigh – whose bold daring must conquer her and unite them in a sweet, burning and everlasting love!

I love having the opportunity to read authors that I have not read or sometimes even heard of before.  You can find such wonderful stories out there.

In this story we met Sabrina who will do just about anything to protect her family, even if it means putting herself at risk, she does not do anything to anyone who does not have too much to spare.  That is until she is found out and her life is turned upside down by one smart and conniving Lord Lucien.  Her journey than turns into avoiding the person who could possibly steal her heart.

Add into this mix a discovered treasure in Scotland, a father who has never been apart of any of their lives who decides to show up and marry the girls off for money, and a sister who is falling for the person who is determined to destroy them all.  You now have a wonderful journey in reading.

If you enjoy your historicals with a little humor and intrigue you will want to pick up a copy of this one.

Grade B

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  1. Aurian

    Wow, A Laurie McBain book! Those were among the first historical romance I have ever read! That would be almost thirty years ago … and she is still writing? Amazing. I do hope her style has changed with the years though, rereading the old ones is just not do-able for me.

  2. Melanie-Admin

    I probably should have specified this is a re-release from 1979 so you might have read this one already.


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