Naked Dragon -

Naked Dragon

Naked Dragon
Works Like Magic bk 1

Annette Blair

In Salem, human magick has thinned the veil between the planes to a permeable mist, forming a portal into the city, allowing time travelers and chameleons of the universe to enter there.

Bastian Dragonelli, once a Roman warrior turned dragon, is the first of his legion to be returned to earth, a man. So his brothers can also be saved and sent to earth, Bastian must reclaim the magick of Andra, Goddess of Hope, who sacrificed hers to transform him. He must seek his heart mate and make her quest his own. But the dark, powerful Killian, Sorceress of Chaos, who turned his legion into dragons and skewed his transition back into a man, is hot on his heels.

witchy.jpg picture by annetteblair
McKenna Greylock, the last non-magickal descendant of Ciarra, a witch who survived Salem’s hanging times, needs a jack-of-all-trades to help turn her dilapidated Victorian into a bed and breakfast so she doesn’t lose her home and her family’s centuries-old legacy.

Enter McKenna’s cousin, Vivica Quinlan, Ciarra’s most magickal descendent, owner of the Works Like Magick Employment Agency. Vivica has a gift for matching human employers with magickal employees. Like Ciarra before her, Vivica knows when magickal supernatural ancients are about to arrive. She greets them and acclimates them to life, and to making a living, in Salem.

Besides Killian’s threatening presence, Bastian’s life is also complicated by McKenna, his guardian dragon, a troublemaking fairy, and a case of culture shock. Bastian also has a problem with his man lance. It won’t behave at all the way he remembered it should. Not at all…

The other day I was at my mom’s house and I saw this book and thought I’m bored so I will read this. I was instantly intrigued. I have read several dragon books in fact they are some of my favorite characters. I liked that this was a completely original story line however I did have some issues with the book.

The main thing that kept pulling me out of the story was the language that was used. The word man lance was used to describe his well you know what. The other descriptive words weren’t so much annoying as confusing.

That being said this was a really cute fun read. McKenna has some hang ups but hey don’t we all, and Bastian has been a dragon for centuries and has forgotten almost everything about what it was like to be a man, so he had some funny things happen to him.

If you are looking for a nice fun easy read than this is a book for you.

I give it a 3.75 out of 5.

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