The Naked Duke -

The Naked Duke

The Naked Duke
Naked Series bk 1

Sally Mackenzie

The Surprise of Her Life
Sophisticated. Scandalous. In fact, Miss Sarah Hamilton, a proper Philadelphian, finds London society altogether shocking. How can it be that she has awakened from her innocent slumber to find herself in bed next to a handsome–and exceedingly naked–man? The laughing onlookers standing in the doorway are no help whatsoever and surely this amorous lunatic cannot be a duke, as he claims. She is compromised–though she most certainly will not marry him!
The Sweetest Moment of His
James, the Duke of Alvord, is enchanted by his unexpected bedmate–and not at all afraid of her pink-cheeked fury. True, the circumstances and place of their meeting are most unusual, but the spirited American who’s pummeling him with a pillow is an incomparable beauty. If Sarah will only listen to his perfectly reasonable explanation, James is sure that he can capture her heart…forever.

REVIEW: I picked up this book, for a lot of reasons, one being in the package from RomCon with my books, there was a pin that says I am a Naked Reader, and writing pen. As I have the pin on my purse and have been using the pen, I thought well I had better read on of these books. So off to the bookstore I went, and realized that I have the first book in a pile of books at home. So I dug it out and read it. It was in my pile of RomCon Reading Challenge books.

Sarah is one of those heroines that has been sheltered all her life, and you can’t figure out if you want to shake her, or be her friend. I decided very quickly that I wanted to be her friend, especially once it became clear she had none. What she does have is a Duke that wants to marry her, a cousin that she has never met but apparently is her only relative and one of the Duke’s best friends, two nosy old women and a man that will do what ever it takes to make sure that she never marries the Duke. What she doesn’t have is a friend.

Two chapters into this book I realized that half of her problems wouldn’t be problems if she had a girlfriend to talk to, however that would have taken away from the conflict between Sarah and James.

James on the other hand is unlike any Duke that I have read and loved in other regency books. When I picture Duke’s it is Stephanie Lauren’s Devil Cynster and Dalziel, and Jillian Hunter’s Boscastle families. It isn’t a Duke like James. I really can’t describe him without giving away things in the book, let me just say that you have to read this book to understand him. I will say though that I liked him.

All that being said I really liked this book. It was a cute, fun, quick read. I was engaged in the characters, and the story line. The secondary characters were great also, and most of them have their own books in the series. This is a book that I can recommend to others, as well as the other books in this series.

I give this book a 4 out of 5


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  1. Lori

    I've read the entire Naked series, and some are better than others, but overall they're a nice fluffy way to pass an afternoon.

  2. Heather

    Lori, is there ones I should avoid? I read the Naked Gentleman a couple of years ago, and if I remember right it was an enjoyable read.

  3. Christina

    I have several of these in my TBR and started The Naked Earl over a month ago. I am not enjoying it very much. Not sure why. Is this maybe one that isn't as good as others as Lori suggested?

  4. Tiffany James

    Heather ~

    I'm glad you got your 14 Days of Love package. I love those "Naked Reader" buttons!

    RE: The Reading Challenge: I just read HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE by Jeaniene Frost, and I LOVED it. Fast paced, a fun and headstrong heroine and one of the hottest vamps I've read in a long time. I just ordered the next three books in the series!

    Tiffany over at RomCon :0)

  5. Heather


    Thanks for the input on the reading challenge. I will check that book out.

  6. Lori

    To be honest, I can't recall much about any of them. Sorry I'm not more help. I just remember thinking that one of them (the 2nd one?) was meh. The rest were just a nice way to pass the afternoon. Nothing fabulous, nothing bad. But just enjoyable.


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