New Release and Review: A Kingdom Of Flesh And Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout -

New Release and Review: A Kingdom Of Flesh And Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout

A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire, book 2 in the Blood and Ash series, releases today!

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes a new novel in her Blood and Ash series…

Is Love Stronger Than Vengeance?

A Betrayal…

Everything Poppy has ever believed in is a lie, including the man she was falling in love with. Thrust among those who see her as a symbol of a monstrous kingdom, she barely knows who she is without the veil of the Maiden. But what she does know is that nothing is as dangerous to her as him. The Dark One. The Prince of Atlantia. He wants her to fight him, and that’s one order she’s more than happy to obey. He may have taken her, but he will never have her.

A Choice….

Casteel Da’Neer is known by many names and many faces. His lies are as seductive as his touch. His truths as sensual as his bite. Poppy knows better than to trust him. He needs her alive, healthy, and whole to achieve his goals. But he’s the only way for her to get what she wants—to find her brother Ian and see for herself if he has become a soulless Ascended. Working with Casteel instead of against him presents its own risks. He still tempts her with every breath, offering up all she’s ever wanted. Casteel has plans for her. Ones that could expose her to unimaginable pleasure and unfathomable pain. Plans that will force her to look beyond everything she thought she knew about herself—about him. Plans that could bind their lives together in unexpected ways that neither kingdom is prepared for. And she’s far too reckless, too hungry, to resist the temptation.

A Secret…

But unrest has grown in Atlantia as they await the return of their Prince. Whispers of war have become stronger, and Poppy is at the very heart of it all. The King wants to use her to send a message. The Descenters want her dead. The wolven are growing more unpredictable. And as her abilities to feel pain and emotion begin to grow and strengthen, the Atlantians start to fear her. Dark secrets are at play, ones steeped in the blood-drenched sins of two kingdoms that would do anything to keep the truth hidden. But when the earth begins to shake, and the skies start to bleed, it may already be too late.

My Thoughts:

There haven’t been many times in my life that a book has left me completely speechless, but this is one of those times! This book was amazing! I loved it so much I immediately read it again! I just was not ready to leave this wonderful world and characters that Jennifer L. Armentrout created. 

This book is HANDS DOWN my favorite book of the year.

I know…I know; y’all are like “But Andrea, back in March you said that about From Blood and Ash”  and you’re right, but THIS BOOK; the second book in this amazing series, blew me away! It is the perfect blend of adventure, witty banter and swoon. I swear this epic journey gets better and better with every book! So I stand by my declaration simply because both books in this series live up to the “My favorite book ever” hype.  

If you haven’t read From Blood and Ash, go! Go now and read it! That way you’re ready for the epicness that is A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire.

The world building, plot, and romance is top notch. JLA has a knack for writing amazing stories that have the perfect amount of intrigue, witty banter, depth, and twists.

And the characters are fabulous! Poppy and Casteel are my favorite. I love Poppy. I love her violent streak, her ability to hold her own and not back down, and I love her curious spirit. And Casteel! He solidified his spot at the top of my book boyfriend list! He is protective and swoony AF, but also recognizes when he needs to step back and let Poppy shine. 

You would think that the budding romance between Poppy and Casteel and the push and pull between them would be enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, but there is so much more going on! JLA spins an epic story from start to finish that has me DYING for more.

Grade: A+

Get your copy today: 

KINDLE: https://amzn.to/2QGcKfV

PRINT: https://amzn.to/34Xm07E

KOBO: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/a-kingdom-of-flesh-and-fire

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-kingdom-of-flesh-and-fire-jennifer-l-armentrout/1137264362?ean=2940162955900

GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Jennifer_L_Armentrout_A_Kingdom_of_Flesh_and_Fire?id=itXtDwAAQBAJ&hl=en_US

APPLE BOOKS: https://books.apple.com/us/book/a-kingdom-of-flesh-and-fire/id1521193491?ls=1

PREORDER GOODIES: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSde2UV7SfmNGXKvu7dmlrNMKymUzCYZ62udgQbIFzKogP34Rg/viewform 

About the Author:

# 1 NEW YORK TIMES, # 1 International, and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout lives in West Virginia. She also writes under the name J. Lynn. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time, reading, working out, watching zombie movies, and pretending to write. She shares her home with her husband, his K-9 partner named Diesel and her hyper Border Jack Apollo, and a slew of farm animals that include alpacas, goats, and sheep.

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