New Release and Review: Baby Mine by Kennedy Fox -

New Release and Review: Baby Mine by Kennedy Fox

Baby Mine by Kennedy Fox is LIVE today on Amazon and FREE in KU. It’s definitely one you need to read!

I saw her first.
Blonde. Gorgeous. Feisty.
I was smitten. 

But it didn’t matter because she chose him and he was my best friend and roommate. I’d never be able to compete with that, so I pushed her away instead. It was easy when she lived hours away, and I didn’t have to see her every day, but then she moved in with us.
Now, I’m screwed.

To her singing in the shower every morning, dancing in the kitchen while she makes coffee, and doing yoga in our living room, I can’t stop thinking about her in all the wrong ways. She’s not mine and never will be, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to push her against a wall and claim her mouth.

She’s constantly on me for making messes, bringing chicks home every weekend, and being a smartass when their PDA gets on my nerves. Considering neither of them know how I feel, it’s not fair for the way I act toward them. I should move out so I can get over her for good; however, the selfish part of me can’t let go.

But then the unthinkable happens…
When my best friend dies in a motorcycle accident, the two of us are left to grieve our loss together. Instead of pushing her away, I pull her closer.

Just as we come to terms with our new reality, she finds out she’s pregnant with his baby.
And I’m left to make the hardest decision of my life…

**BABY MINE is an angsty, emotional, slow-burn romance wrapped up in a heartbreakingly delicious love story. It’s book 1 in the Hunter & Lennon duet and must be read first.**


Holy emotional rollercoaster Batman!

I knew from the blurb this book was going to put me through the wringer and I thought I was ready and had psyched myself up for it…..Y’all I wasn’t ready! 
I wasn’t ready for the heartache I felt for Hunter. I knew I loved Hunter in Forever Mine, but I wasn’t ready for how MUCH I loved him. I loved that he put the girl he was crazy about and his best friend’s happiness first. He wasn’t a martyr about it. He wasn’t bitter; he genuinely cared for both of them and wanted what was best for them. I wasn’t ready for the sweet things he did and how much I felt his angst. I wasn’t ready for the emotional triggers that this book had. If any of you know me or follow me on Facebook, then you know I have experienced more than my share of loss over the past few years: my brother, my mother in law, my husband’s best friend, and most recently my two-year-old niece. So for me, loss can be a trigger, and if there is death in a book, I have to make sure I know it’s coming. It’s no secret that Hunter’s best friend dies; it’s all in the blurb, so I thought I’d be okay. What I wasn’t ready for was how similar some of the experiences Hunter goes through after learning about Brandon were to mine. For that reason, that part of the book was difficult for me. But I have to give Kennedy Fox major props because it’s a true testament to their writing that within a few sentences I was back in that place, being flooded with emotions all over again. I’m confidant that even if you’ve never experienced loss before you will feel every emotion Hunter and Lennon feel. 
But don’t you worry, Kennedy Fox doesn’t leave you wallowing in the grief. They have an amazing way of showing the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s the most beautiful thing about this book; even in the face of such a devastating, life-changing loss, they infused this story with hope, friendship, love, and strength (because it takes strength to get up and keep going). I love how much Hunter cares for Lennon. I love Lennon’s sisters and the banter between them and their group of friends, and I absolutely love the support they show one another. It was truly emotional, and worth every heartbreak and hopeful happy tear. I finished the book and was left speechless. I honestly had no words to describe it’s amaziningness but was feeling ALL the feels. It’s full of love, witty banter, angst, hope, and an ending, that in true Kennedy Fox fashion, had me dying to get my hands on the next book…DYING! I’m ready now for that HEA y’all! So bring on the next book ASAP 🙂

Grade: A+

💓Baby Mine links: 💓

Amazon US → https://amzn.to/2Qvj8EE

Amazon International → http://bit.ly/2OJIYaV

➡️Add Baby Mine to your TBR → http://bit.ly/BM-TBR

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