New Release and Review: Prince by Cambria Hebert -

New Release and Review: Prince by Cambria Hebert

Prince by Cambria Hebert is available NOW and I’m so excited!


Once upon a time…

A baby is born in privilege, blooming under the warmth of his parents’ love. Jealousy sprouts and brings with it malevolent intentions. A king and queen cursed with an empty kingdom. A child abandoned in revenge.

A misfit, the boy should turn hard and cold among the thorns he grows in. Despite lifelong attempts to destroy him, this child does not wither. Underneath his insecurity, he maintains a heart with the tenderest center.

A heart that plays the most beautiful music.

Not far from this misfit but in a whole different world, a dashing prince lives with a crown of expectations adorning his golden head.

A prince raised with honor and duty. A prince expected to marry.

Alas, during a simple walk in the forest, he is enchanted by a different song.

And so a fairy tale is woven, two worlds colliding, secrets revealed, love everlasting…

And a realization that not all fairy tales require a princess.

*Prince is a modern fairy tale forgoing heteronormativity to boldly state that fairy tales are for everyone, no matter who you love (or don’t).


Amazon Kindle: https://amzn.to/3rc9JEu

Amazon Paperback: https://amzn.to/2LfzqEI

Universal link: https://books2read.com/prince-houseofmisfits


There once was a reader who shied away from M/M romances. Unless they were part of a series, I did not seek them out. I admit, I read a couple with a not so great storyline and judged all M/M stories by that.  But then along came Cambria Hebert and changed my entire view. 

Cambria has an amazing ability to write about love in its truest and most pure form. I will never not read a book written by Cambria Hebert, but her M/M books have become some of my favorites. I honestly didn’t think there could be a better couple than Trent & Drew, but again she proved me wrong! Fletcher and Ethan have stolen the top spot for sure. 

Prince was a perfectly crafted love story between Ethan and Fletcher. It was a fairytale retelling like no other! I fell in love with Fletcher in Ivory White. He was so sweet and loving. In Prince, we learn that Fletcher is a man who should have been hardened by the cruel hand he was dealt, but instead was the most pure and loving soul. He was sweet, funny, and just adorable. He will steal your heart just like he did Ethan’s. Ethan was fantastic. I love that he wanted to protect Fletcher and spoil him with all the love, praise and affection there was. The way their story unfolds is fantastic. Your emotions will be all over the place. Fletcher endured such a terrible upbringing but the love and acceptance he finds from Ethan and his misfit brothers will warm your heart, and the ending will leave you a big gooey mess! I loved this book and I can’t wait for more in the House of Misfits Series.

Grade: A+

About the Author:

Cambria Hebert is a bestselling novelist of more than fifty titles. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. Besides writing, Cambria loves a pumpkin spice latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching K drama until her eyes won’t stay open. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chihuahuas (the real bosses of the house).

Cambria has written in many genres, including new adult, sports romance, male/male romance, sci-fi, thriller, suspense, contemporary romance, and young adult. Many of her titles have been translated into foreign languages and have been the recipients of multiple awards.

Awards Cambria has received include: Author of the Year 2016 (UtopiaCon2016) The Hashtag Series: Best Contemporary Series of 2015 (UtopiaCon 2015) #Nerd: Best Contemporary Book Cover of 2015 (UtopiaCon 2015) Romeo from the Hashtag Series: Best Contemporary Lead (UtopiaCon 2015) #Nerd: Top 50 Summer Reads (Buzzfeed.com 2015) The Hashtag Series: Best Contemporary Series of 2016 (UtopiaCon 2016) #NERD Book Trailer: Best Book Trailer of 2016 (UtopiaCon 2016) #Nerd Book Trailer: Top 50 Most Cinematic Book Trailers of All Time (film-14.com) #Nerd: Book Most Wanted to be Adapted to Screen: (2018) Amnesia: Mystery Book of the Year (2018)

Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC. You can find out more about Cambria and her titles by visiting her website: http://www.cambriahebert.com

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