NIGHT OF PLEASURE by Delilah Marvelle -

NIGHT OF PLEASURE by Delilah Marvelle

17458379Title:Night of Pleasure
Series:Book 4 in the Gallantry Series

Author: Delilah Marvelle

Genre: Historical Fiction

An arranged marriage is daunting, but not as daunting as seducing a spouse whose passions you do not understand…

Derek Charles Holbrook, Viscount Banfield, knew his fate since he was seventeen when his father announced his union to the beautiful but mysterious American girl by the name of Miss Grey. To protect the troubled estate, Derek submits to his father’s wishes, not realizing he’s about to entangle himself in a hell of a lot more than marriage.

Miss Clementine Henrietta Grey may be worth millions, but not a single coin has ever bought her a smidge of happiness. When she marries the charasmatic and dashing Viscount Banfield, whose only strife in life appears to be the uneven seams in his coat, she finds that siring the heir he wants requires far more than her heart is prepared to give.

Unable to seduce his overly-serious and reluctant wife, Derek realizes his dreams of creating a loving family has turned into a nightmare. But with the unexpected assistance of a retired courtesan and her outrageous school, Derek and Clementine discover that passion is a language spoken not just from the body, but from the mind, heart and soul.

WARNING: This book is Rated Double S (Sweaty & Sinful) and contains strong language and sexual content which may cause respectable people to swoon.

I have to say, this book was refreshing and I loved it.  It emphasized on the coming together of first timers and the awkwardness that comes with it.  I loved this book for that and the characters were just too much (but in a good way).

Derek Charles Holbrook, Viscount Banfield, knew at the age of seventeen whom he was to marry.  Worst yet, it was announced at his father’s death bed, so their was no way of getting out of it.  Derek didn’t even want to, since  he first set eyes on his future bride, he wanted her; too bad she was only fourteen and they were allowed to marry when she turned eighteen.

​Miss Clementine Henrietta Grey has never wanted to get married, her past showed her that marriage was not for her and wanted to escape her intended marriage at all cost.  The cost was agreeing to marry someone else, and a Prince no less.   When things didn’t work out, Clementine finds herself right where she started off, would Derek take her back or would her hurtful ways be too much for him to handle.

I loved Derek and wanted to hit Clementine, they both were to blame in this but at least he was willing to try.   Clementine was to much of a coward and I’m glad how things worked out, I know about her past but SHE choose to dwell on……………….(frustrated breath) I cannot say what, that will be giving away too much.

I really wish you would buy Miss Delilah Marvelle’s book and tell me what you think about the main characters.  I know I’m not suppose to, but I loved the Prince, I really, really liked him and Miss Delilah wrote a fun and creative book that had me laughing when Derek had to go to school.

Thoughts: I love the idea of the inexperience, it made it more personal
Grade: A

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