Today we are talking our favorite Nora heroes. While we all know that Roarke is at the top of most everyone’s list when it comes to her heroes I have to say I was surprised at some of the response to this one. I mean who knew that those MacKade brothers would be so popular or that rascal Daniel MacGregor.
Shiloh Walker (author) As much as I enjoy Roarke, he’s not my favorite hero by Nora. My favorite is Shane MacKade. I’m not exactly sure what it is about him, but something about Shane has always lingered with me, and when I started thinking through all of her heroes, he was the one who first came to mind.
Shana Galen (author) My favorite NR hero is Roarke from the JD Robb In Death series. I know Roarke is massively popular, and that’s because he’s so perfect! What girl wouldn’t fall in love with a gorgeous, rich, Irishman who only wants to take care of the woman he loves by feeding her, buying her gifts, and sharing her love of her work? Roarke is definitely sigh-worthy.
Elisabeth Naughton (author) Cian from Valley of Silence. Dark, damaged, vampire hero? What’s not to love?
Heather (TBRG) My favorite hero wasn’t hard to choose, no it isn’t Roarke, though he comes in a close second. No my favorite character is Mikhail Stanislaski. He’s a temperamental Ukrainian artist, and gorgeous to boot. I love him so much when we named our oldest after my husband I had to spell it after Mikhail.
Jessa Slade (author) I really liked Mitch from Black Rose, I think because his heroine wasn’t the easiest lady to love and yet he persevered. Not that I’m projecting or anything
Melissa B ( Mimmi’s Musings ) As much as I love Roarke, here I have to go with Tucker Longstreet ~ his slow drawl, the way he took the laid back approach to life, but still remained in control, the way he wooed Caroline with that laid back ease…the love he had for Della and his sister. How can you NOT love a man like that?
Jules Bennett (author) Favorite hero? I loved Ethan in the Chesapeake Bay Series. A quiet, hardworking man tortured by his past, struggling for a future he doesn’t think he deserves…everything about him screams hero!
Kim: My favorite hero is Rafe MacKade. He was the first Nora hero I read and has stuck with me as I have read my sisters entire Nora library.
Kati (reader/blogger): My favorite Nora hero is Cameron Quinn from Sea Swept. He’s a badass, daredevil race car driver who finds himself caring for a young boy when his father dies. He’s completely stymied by this child, but he becomes a “stay-at-home” big brother/father to the kid and still finds time to woo the heck out of the hot social worker who comes to ensure that his younger brother is receiving appropriate care.
Lisa B (reader/blogger) Wow this is hard. Pick a MacKade brother. Anyone one. How about the boys from the Chesapeake bay series? Um yeah. To many great hero’s I think i have to go with Rafe MacKade the big bad boy who made good. sigh… I feel a re-read of a certain book coming.
Liza (reader/blogger) I have to say as much as Roarke is my dream man, Daniel MacGregor is my favorite hero and character ever of Nora’s. I so see a re-read of the entire MacGregor series soon.
Vivian Arend (author) I’m with Liza. While considering who was my favorite I fell into rereading Daniel MacGregor’s story, and now my weekend is going to disappear as I glom through the entire series yet again.
Jennifer Porter (blogger from Romance Novel News – ) Hmm, this is a tough one. I do absolutely love Roarke, although admittedly I stopped reading these books some time ago. I suppose that I have to go with Brand from Once More with Feeling as he is certainly the hero that I know best.
Sasha H (reader) Roarke is right up there alongside Ethan Quinn from Rising Tides; book 2 in The Chesapeake Bay series, but if you want me to choose, then Ethan it is. (Jules Bennett I agree with you.) Ethan’s story and part 2 of 4 of Seth’s story just pulled at my heartstrings and made me wish I was right there with the Quinns in Chesapeake Bay. Besides, who could forget that scene between Ethan and Grace Monroe in the trees during the Bar-B-Que?
Megan (reader and blogger at Riverina Romantics) While I love Cian from the Circle Trilogy, I have to admit that Roarke is my favorite hero. The eyes and the accent, as well as his deep devotion to his loved ones, just do it for me!
Mad (reader & blogger at RR@H Novel Thoughts) Hands down, mine is Daniel MacGregor.
Rowena (reader/blogger at Book Binge) This is another hard one for me because if you read Book Binge, you’d know that I’m all about the hero. There are three Nora heroes that instantly come to mind for this one. They’re Jack Cooke from Bed of Roses, Cam Quinn from Seaswept (he made it onto all of my answers so far, Go Cam!) and Sam Logan from Face the Fire. They’re all swoonworthy heroes that I loved for different reasons but they’re all tied for first place in the my favorite Nora hero running. I can’t choose just one. Please don’t make me choose. ;P
Laura Hunsaker (author) Cain/Cian from Valley of Silence-he’s an alpha male and bad boy all in one.
***We are giving away one of Nora’s books today, just tell us who your favorite Nora hero is and why? Open to US and Canada only***
Tucker Longstreet and I loved all the Bride Quartet grooms ♥
I know… boring and predictable answer but it’s Roarke.
But who wouldn’t? He’s terrific!
Too many to choose just one! I would have to say that I loved Gage Guthrie from Night Shadow.
I like Roarke! he is such a hero especially to Eve. As tough as she is she does need him even if she doesn’t always want to admit it. They are perfect together.
Ethan Quinn all the way. For the same reasons that Jules and Sasha already named.
He’s just so tortured and honourable at the same time. But he’s got that spark of naughtiness too (the picnic scene – yowza).
I would have to go with Cameron Quinn from Sea Swept. I loved how he was so passionate about everything.
Well as I’ve only read most of he in death series it’s Roark! All these others make me want to read some of her other series though.
She does know how to write amazing heroes!!
Rourke, Jack from Bed of Roses and Cian from the Circle trilogy..
All four of the MacKade brothers — Rafe, Shane, Devin, Jared — each sexy and significant in their own right. Each brings sensitivity, strength, familial bonds, energy, passion and rascally ways…I’m obsessed w/ these four. I have original Silhouette editions and the 2-in-1s.
Gotta go with Tucker Longstreet from “Carnal Innocence” on this one. First Nora book I read, so it will always be dear to my heart. And this is a bit of an oddball reference, but I always had a soft spot for Matthew Lassiter from “The Reef.” There’s something so dreamy and romantic about falling in love on the ocean.
@ Kacey did you see the covers of the reprints? I’ve only seen Shane’s but it’s YUMMY!!
@Kim I LOVE LOVE Jack. The way he proposed to Emma makes my smile just thinking about it.
@ Rosie I LOVED Tucker!!
@KellyM I forgot about Gage, he was a great hero!
And then there is Roarke who can all agree is the perfect specimen on man!
I love the heroes that she writes and could choose just about any of them
Chasing Fire was one of the last few books I’ve read from her so I’m going to say Gulliver Curry. He was secure with who he was and what he wanted and was a great friend to people.
It’s so hard to choose, but I think I’d go with Brody from Angel Falls or Simon from The Search. There is just something about moody, gruffy heroes
My favorite is Sam Logan from Face the Fire, with Roarke next, then and a slew of others right up there behind him.
It most certainly would be Sam Logan from Face the Fire. But there are so many to choose from that narrowing it down to just one is tough.
Without a doubt, Murphy from Born in Shame. One of the most emotional love stories I have read. I also love Shane McCade and Carter from Vision in White, who are both cuties in different ways.
I loved all the McKade brothers. They just seem to match my dreams of what I wish I had. I’m still hunting and looking so forward to more of the family MaCade adventures.
Nash Kirkland from Captivated. Not only was he my first Nora hero, he was just so…. siiiigh. I just can’t. He’s amazing
I like Philip Chamberlain because he’s smart and caring. I don’t have a FB or Twitter account.
My favorite Nora Roberts hero is Roarke. He fits Eve just right and he never lets anyone try to hurt her if he can help it. He does anything he can for Eve because he loves her and that’s why he is my favorite hero.