Over Hexed by Vicki Lewis Thompson -

Over Hexed by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Rating 5
Over Hexed by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Dorcas and Ambrose are matchmaking sex therapists for witches and warlocks. Now they’re doing it for mere mortals-although the handsome Sean Madigan is kind of an Adonis. Until Dorcas and Ambrose strip him of his sex appeal and introduce him to his destiny, Maggie Grady. This time winning a girl’s heart won’t be so easy for Sean. It means rediscovering the charms buried beneath the surface. But what a surface.

REVIEW: I FINALLY managed to remember to pick this book up at the library and I have to say that I wish that I had sooner. The one thing that I always love about Vicki is the humor in her books. I love how Sean has to go beyond his looks to catch Maggie. I can hardly wait to read the next one in the series.

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