The Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts -

The Pagan Stone by Nora Roberts

The Sign of the Seven bk 3

Years ago, after their blood brother ritual, Gage, Fox, and Caleb emerged from the woods, each with a piece of bloodstone. Now, it will become their weapon in the final fight against the demon they awakened. Winner take all…

Shared nightmares, visions of blood and fire, and random violence plague the longtime friends and Quinn, Layla, and Cybil, the women bound to them by Fate. None of them can ignore the fact that, this year, the demon has grown stronger – feeding off the terror it creates. But now the three pieces of the bloodstone have been fused back together. If only they could figure out how to use it.

A gambling man like Gage has no trouble betting on his crew to find a way. And though he and Cybil share the gift of seeing the future, that’s all they have in common. Were they to take their flirtation to the next level, it would be on their own terms, not because Fate decreed it. But Gage knows that a woman like Cybil – with her brains and strength and devastating beauty – can only bring him luck. Whether it’s good or bad has yet to be determined – and could mean the difference between absolute destruction or an end to the nightmare for Hawkins Hollow.

REVIEW : I have loved this series from the first book, Blood Brothers. There is just something about having the same best friends your entire life. Knowing that no matter what they are there for you, that you can communicate with them with just a look. That is something that I have looked for my entire life, don’t get me wrong I have friends and even had the same two best friends from the time we were 4 till we were 23. Unfortunately for us life happened and we have lost touch.

I have looked forward to this book for months for a number of reasons, 1) being that I wanted to see what was going to happen to Gage and Cybil, 2) because I wanted to see more of the interaction between the 6 of them, 3) I wanted to see if Gage would ever talk to his dad and 4) to see how it would all end. My sister-in-law Melanie felt let down with book, I however really enjoyed it. Because it was the third book, and she had written a lot about the 3 men a lot in all the books, there really wasn’t about Gage that we didn’t already know, and we already started to see the beginnings of the relationship between Gage and Cybil in the second book, The Hollow. So I wasn’t expecting much more than what was there.

If I had one complaint about this book, it was the epilogue. I would have preferred it if the epilogue had taken 7 years later, when the town saw that it was safe, and also to see what had happened to the 3 couples.

I read this as part of the Winter 08 Reading Challenge: Readers Choice.

I give this book a 4.5 out of 5

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