Part-Time Lovers by Shelley Munro -

Part-Time Lovers by Shelley Munro

cover53732-mediumTitle:  Part-Time Lovers

Series:  Clare Chronicles Book #1

Author:  Shelley Munro

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   The heart’s best defense is a lusty offense.

Now that Nolan Penrith is finished with the Farmer Wants a Wife reality show, he’s ready to get back to the farm and a normal life free of publicity. Normal also means resuming his relationship with divorced, solo mother Yvonne McDonald.

Except she seems determined to resist any talk of reconciliation. On to plan B: woo her to his way of thinking. And if persuasion includes plenty of raunchy sex, he’s ready to man up.

Yvonne McDonald might still have feelings for Nolan, but she resents the way he expects to pick up right where they left off. Still, she’s a healthy woman with a body that—damn it—melts for him, so maybe she can twist this situation to suit her needs.

All she needs to do is hold her heart out of reach, hold her head high, and enjoy his brand of lusty sex without a care in the world. Easy-peasy. At least until her plan gets a little kink in it…

Warning: Contains hot country loving between an arrogant, sexy farmer and a woman who intends to prick his confidence and slap him down—her way!

Thoughts:  After reading Farmer Wants A Wife, I was eager to read this one so I could get Nathan’s story and find out what happens to him after his stint on the reality tv show. Particularly after he let his mom bulldoze him into participating in the show – and after how he left things with Yvonne. But really – if your guy went on national television and went looking for a wife – while dating and choosing and narrowing down things between a bevy of beauties – how would you take it? Uh, yeah – I expected Nathan to have his work cut out for him. To be honest, Yvonne let him off a heck of a lot easier than I would have.

While Part-Time Lovers was a good read, for me it didn’t quite live up to Munro’s other book with these characters, Farmer Wants A Wife. It was lacking for me some of the vibrancy of the characters, some of the humor, just some of the key elements that engaged me with the other book. This one was a little lackluster in comparison. Still, I love Munro as an author – having read these and quite a few others of hers I can say that her books are always well worth reading.

Rate:  B+

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