Playing to Win by Jaci Burton -

Playing to Win by Jaci Burton

Title: Playing to Win

Series: Play by Play

Author: Jaci Burton

Genre: Contemporary

Someone’s going to have to let down their guard… 

Football star Cole Riley is notorious for doing as he pleases—on the field and off. He parties hard and fights harder, but if he doesn’t clean up his act, his career is over—so Cole reluctantly agrees to work with image makeover consultant Savannah Brooks. He’s not used to being told what to do, especially by some (admittedly hot) Southern belle. As for Savannah, she’s not convinced she can transform this cocky (and aggressively sexy) force of nature. But she’s determined to give it her best shot.

When the sparks start to fly, Savannah lays down the ground rules: no personal complications. If she can turn off the tingle she feels every time Cole gives her a hot stare with his gorgeous baby blues, he can turn off his desire as well. But for two people determined to have it all, a hands-off policy can only last so long before one of them yields.

I have loved the last two books in this series so I knew I was going to like this book. I didn’t think I was going to love it, and I did.

From the moment Colin showed up on the page I had a feeling there was more to his attitude and behavior than met the eye. And the more we got to see of him I was right. He’s a man who has been burned badly in his career, from being traded from team to team. Now he doesn’t let anyone close.

Savannah was one of those characters I wasn’t sure I was going to like. But the more I got to know her the more I liked her and how she was able to see the real Cole.

I do have to admit that I wasn’t sure how they would work, but the more we saw of them together the more they worked together and they seemed like they’d been together for a long time. I also loved that we got to see another branch of the Riley Family and catch up with the others.

Of all the Play by Play books I have to say this is one of my favorites. If you like football books then you won’t want to miss this, as it has it all. A great player, a team that has some great players which only makes the hero better, and heroine who doesn’t understand how she impacts the hero.

Grade A-/B+

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  1. Sharlene Wegner

    Thanks for the review! I bought this book, never having read any of the others in the series. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but looking forward to it. Hopefully, I won’t be lost, not having read the others. What do you think?

  2. TBRG (Post author)

    Sharlene you won’t be lost. Each story can stand alone.


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