Playing with Fire by Cynthia Eden -

Playing with Fire by Cynthia Eden

cover50364-mediumTitle:  Playing with Fire

Series:  Phoenix Fire Book #3

Author:  Cynthia Eden

Genre:  Paranormal/Romance

Blurb:  Cassie Armstrong has plenty to atone for. The daughter of the most immoral researcher ever to pick up a scalpel, she’s determined to use her own brilliance in genetics to repair the damage her family has done to the paranormals. Especially Dante, the first of the phoenixes, the one they call the Immortal. He’s been haunting her dreams since she was a little girl, and she’s been trying to ease his pain for almost as long. If only he remembered any of it. . .

Dante doesn’t know what Cassie’s story is. He almost doesn’t care. The minute he sees her, all he can think is mine. But there’s more to the pretty little doctor than meets the eye. And Dante isn’t the only one to notice. He can’t trust her, but he can’t stay away–and if he wants to learn her secrets, he’s going to have to fight like hell to keep them both alive. . .

Thoughts:  The storyline for this one was very original, and the fact that it dealt with the elusive ‘phoenix’ was a plus – something you don’t see a large amount of in paranormal books.  This is the third installment in this series, but it was the first that I have read.  I found no issues with reading it as a standalone, however, and I didn’t get that irritating, niggling feeling that I was missing something while I read it from having missed out on the first two books.

The characters were likable the story was engaging, and all in all it was just a good solid story.  My only complaint would be how many times Dante is killed and resurrected throughout the book – it was perhaps a tad excessive (the poor guy!).  Well, and perhaps Cassie’s naivety and one-track mind on saving people – even when it puts themselves in more danger.  Eden manages to keep you on your toes, however, with this book, and it is definitely an enjoyable read.

Rate:  B+

**Burn for Me (Book #1) and Once Bitten, Twice Burned (Book #2) are both out now**

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