Quirks and Kinks by Laurel Ulen Curtis PLUS GIVEAWAY -

Quirks and Kinks by Laurel Ulen Curtis PLUS GIVEAWAY

cover69396-mediumTitle:  Quirks and Kinks

Series:  N/A

Author:  Laurel Ulen Curtis

Genre:  Romance

Blurb:   “It’s a new show, Quirks and Kinks. We’ve already selected a male reenactment actor to be your co-host, so you’re the last piece of the puzzle. There’s some seriously f@$%ed up sh*t out there that people are into, and the two of you are going to be the face of it.”

“I’m going to be the face of people’s freakish fetishes?” I asked disbelievingly.

Larry shrugged his nonchalance, shoving it directly down the throat of my panic. “Half of it.”

That conversation was the beginning of more than a show.
It was the beginning of mystery, friendship, and love, and the outcome of mixing all three together with two unsuspecting victims.

Easie Reynolds and Anderson Evans were drawn to the same, simple thing—each other.

But, sometimes, undeniable chemistry isn’t enough. After all, how easy is it to get to know someone when they’re constantly pretending to be someone else?


Thoughts:  If your looking for something a little fun, a little lighthearted, a little…well, quirky…..then this might be exactly what you are looking for.   It’s definitely different. Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with it as much as I would like. The story was ok, the characters were ok…it was just okay for me. The humor was a problem for me….but then again, it is hard to get a laugh out of me. I am not a comedy person by any means. My husband will jokingly say I have no sense of humor. Forced comedy, or ‘dumb’ comedy where people just do silly stuff and I’m expected to laugh just doesn’t do it for me. There is nothing wrong with that kind of comedy, it just doesn’t work for me personally. If this book were a movie though, my husband would love it!! I just prefer a natural kind of comedy, instead of the type that has me rolling my eyes. If your like my husband though and love comedy like that, you’ll LOVE this book. Nothing against the book, or the author (who is very talented), it’s just one of those that wasn’t really my cup of tea.

Rate:  C

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