Random Fun Stuff: Books, TV, Music and Movies -

Random Fun Stuff: Books, TV, Music and Movies

For the last week I have been consumed with reading Lora Leigh’s Breed’s series. This is a series I have wanted to read for awhile, but I wanted to start with the first book, and I didn’t want to buy the price that it was being sold for as an ebook especially considering it isn’t a full length book (meaning 100k words). When I mentioned to Helen I wanted to read this series she told me to check my inbox. She had just sent me most of the books in that series. I have ignored everything all week to read them. I have to admit I am completely hooked on the series. If you haven’t read this series and like sci-fi paranormal then you won’t want to miss this one. I do recommend starting with the first book Tempting the Beast as it explains so much about the series.

In our house we don’t get to watch a lot of t.v. because we are so busy with sports. Because of this we are very choosy about the shows we watch. Two of our favorites are White Collar, and Warehouse 13. We have been catching up on the two. If you like crime shows, and sci-fi shows then you won’t want to miss these shows. This season I managed to get Mike to watch So You Think You Can Dance and he actually admitted he liked it. We have also discovered a new favorite reality show Hotel Hell.

When it comes to music we are a very eclectic family and listen to everything from classical to hard rock. For the most part none of us like the exact same artist and all their songs, well except for one group Celtic Thunder. Here’s one of our favorite songs of theirs, Raggle Taggle Gypsy Boy. Did I mention they sometimes wear kilts. We were sad to see Damian leave the group to be on Glee. 

 The other day Mike brought home a cd of a new artist and had us listen to it. By the end of the cd everyone wanted to listen to it again and the boys hit youtube to look her up, unfortunately they couldn’t find her. The artist is * Sydney Rose * a new artist who if her debut cd is anything to go by she is going to huge hit. Her cd is available on itunes however. If you like great pop music then you should definitely check her out. edited *Apparently they were spelling her name wrong  which is why they couldn’t find her on youtube. I have corrected her name her as well.*

We haven’t watched a lot of movies lately because of the move as they were all boxed up. Mike and the boys however did see Batman and loved it.

What books, tv, music and movies have you been watching, reading, and listening to lately that you have loved?

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