
Red Demon

God’s of Midnight bk 3

Deidre Knight

After assuming the power of life and death for the immortal Spartan brotherhood, Aristos Petrakos still hasn’t mastered his unpredictable, newfound abilities. And now a medium brings him a message from the other side—a romantic message Ari doesn’t want to hear…

A century ago, the love of Ari’s immortal life, Julianna Tiades, drowned herself in the Savannah River—after she learned about Ari’s shapeshifting abilities. Desperate to reveal the truth about her death, Julianna makes a bargain with a Djinn demon, who offers to give her physical form. But as Julianna and Ari are reunited in passion, the debt must be paid—in souls and spirits…

At the end of insert book name here Ari is given a message from his true love that had died a century ago. As this book begins, he hasn’t gone back to Emma’s mom’s house to hear the rest of the message even though she calls daily. When he finally breaks down and goes he gets the surprise of his life.

I loved every thing about this book. Both Ari and Jules have serious issues to work out in regards to their relationship, there is the fact that for one Jules is suppose to be dead, and is in fact possessed by a demon that is hell bent on getting to one of Ari’s best friends. There is the real reason why Jules killed herself, and oh yeah that really annoying God Ares. But the thing that made me really love this book was that no matter what was going on, they knew that the other loved them and they were each other’s one true love, their soulmate.

One of the best parts of this series is all the characters. Deidre has created a couple of secondary stories that are continuing in each book, one being the love story between Leonidas and the Oracle, and the one between Nik, one of the Spartans, and Mason, Shay from the first books brother.

Now I normally don’t like and m/m stories as they are way out of my comfort level, but this one just pulls at your heartstrings and you find yourself actually wanting more of them, so long as there is no m/m sex scenes, I will keep wanting more of them.

The other storyline that is happening in this book is that of Sophie, Emma’s sister, and Sable the djinn that has hated and hunted them from their days as Spartans. I am really hoping that the next book in the series is theirs, because it is one that makes you see that people can change.

I give this book a 4.5 out of 5

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