Red Wolf by Jennifer Ashley -

Red Wolf by Jennifer Ashley

Title: Red Wolf

Series: Shifters Unbound Book #10

Author: Jennifer Ashley

Genre: Romance, Paranormal

Blurb: Lupine Shifter Dimitri has always had to defend himself to other Shifters. As a red wolf, he’s not considered a “pure” wolf, and the battles have honed him into a tough fighter, a champion of the fight clubs. Jaycee Bordeaux, a leopard Shifter, is Dimitri’s staunchest defender and oldest friend. Dimitri is determined to turn that friendship into a mate bond.

Jaycee loves that idea, but she knows that a mate bond can’t be forced. And when Dimitri and Jaycee are called on to go undercover to protect collared Shifters, she knows the dangers ahead will make or break their future together.

Thoughts: Jennifer Ashley is a favorite of mine, a go-to author that I just love.  However, Red Wolf is at the bottom of the list from this series fir me though.  It was a bit slow at times, and I just did not have a real connection with the story.  I wanted to see a bit more of the friends-to-lovers angle than what we got here.  I honestly struggled a bit finishing this one – which is not on par with what I am used to from this author!

I’ll pick up the next in this series for sure, but this one was a skippable title for me.

Rating: C

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