Redemption (The Revelation Series Book 3) by Randi Cooley Wilson -

Redemption (The Revelation Series Book 3) by Randi Cooley Wilson

RedemptionTitle: Redemption

Series: The Revelation Series Book 3

Author: Randi Cooley Wilson

Genre: Mature Young Adult/New Adult Paranormal Romance



For Eve Collins, darkness has descended after her love vanished into the night sky. A new protector has been appointed, one who challenges everything she’s believed to be true.

In this third installment of The Revelation Series, Eve will become aware of dangers and worlds that exist only in her nightmares, and bloodline secrets that will trigger a centuries old war.

You can escape anything, except your destiny.

My Thoughts: This is the first book I’ve read of this series and found that I was lost as the book seemed to pick up where the last one had left off. I found the book intriguing and I was drawn to the characters but I would have enjoyed the story more had I’d known the back story a little more.

The author did a great job of building the plot and I found myself caring for the characters along with wanting to know what is ahead for them. I will need to read the first two books in the series to catch up and hopefully have a better understanding of Redemption.

The fact that the book couldn’t be read as a stand alone is the only reason I gave it the grade I did.

Grade B

– See more at: http://thebookreadinggals.com/category/danita/#sthash.EvKtxRQK.dpuf

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