Release Blitz: Sinful Rewards 12 by Cynthia Sax + Excerpt + GIVEAWAY -

Release Blitz: Sinful Rewards 12 by Cynthia Sax + Excerpt + GIVEAWAY



Sinful Rewards 12

A Billionaires and Bikers Novella

By USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax

9780062354327 / Avon Red Impulse / On Sale: 6/16/2015 / $0.99





The thrilling conclusion to the Billionaires and Bikers series!

One tiny mistake turns Bee Carter’s worst fears into a terrifying reality. She knows she isn’t alone. The sexy, honorable man she adores stands by her side, willing to sacrifice his freedom to ease her concerns.

But she yearns for more than he is offering. She wants a partner who will love her as fiercely as she loves him, who will say the words and mean them, and someone who will choose her because this is what he desires more than anything else, not merely out of a misguided sense of duty.

Will saying no to the man she loves earn Bee unbearable heartache or will she finally get the forever she craves?


Nicolas stands in the hallway, a sheepish smile on his beautiful face, and my small burst of joy dissipates, replaced by the dreaded malaise. He’s handsome, the lights shining on his black wavy hair, tanned skin, dark eyes. He’s immaculately dressed in a gray suit, white shirt, pink tie. He’s carrying ice cream, a small tub of Heavenly Hash cradled in his perfectly manicured fingers.

But he’s not Hawke. He’s not the man I love, the only person I want to see.

“Don’t look at me like that, Bee.” Nicolas pushes his way into the condo. “I had that situation with the New York build last night. There will be fancy events in the future.” He holds up the tub. “I brought ice cream.”

I summon a smile. “You forgot about me.” I take the ice cream from the dashing billionaire. “What do those articles I sent you say about forgetting friends?”

Nicolas grimaces. “You knew I was a bad friend.” He walks with me to the kitchen, smelling of expensive cologne and wealth.

“You’re not a bad friend.” I set two bowls and two spoons on the counter. “You’re a terrible friend.” I open the tub of ice cream.

The real estate developer settles his long lean body on a bar stool and dips a spoon in the container. “You’re not giving up on me, are you?” The lines carved between his perfect eyebrows belie his casual tone.

“I’d never give up on you.” I knock his sucked-clean spoon away and huddle over the tub, protecting the ice cream from impatient-billionaire-induced contamination. “Hawke doesn’t love me,” I blurt, needing to voice this, to share this with someone.

“He said that?” Nicolas steals a spoonful of ice cream from the bowl I’m filling.

“No.” I frown, scooping as fast as I can. “But he’s never said he loves me, either.” I push Nicolas’s bowl toward him.

His eyes sparkle. “I’ve never said I love ice cream.” He shovels the sweet treat into his mouth with a boyish glee. “But I do. Very much.” His lips curl upward. “The name of this flavor is perfect. It is heavenly.”

“Hawke doesn’t love me,” I repeat stubbornly, dishing out a smaller portion for myself.

“A good friend would agree with you.” Nicolas’s head is bent over his ice cream.

“You’re not a good friend.” I place the tub in the freezer compartment of the fridge. “What would you do?”

“I’d tell you that neither of you are acting rationally, that if craziness is a sign of love, Hawke has it much worse than you.” Nicolas licks his spoon. “He guards you like you’re the last piece of prime real estate on the planet. I’m taking my life into my hands by simply eating ice cream with you.”

I climb onto the bar stool beside him, his observations about Hawke’s protectiveness appeasing me, banishing some of my melancholy. “He cares about me.”

“No, he cares about his team.” The billionaire’s lips flatten grimly. “Disregarding all of my advice about maintaining his distance.” Nicolas believes remaining aloof from his employees makes painful staffing decisions less traumatic. “What Hawke feels for you is in an entirely different category.”

“It isn’t love.” Or is it?


SINFUL REWARDS 1: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 2: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 3: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 4: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 5: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 6: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 7: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 8: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 9: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 10: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 11: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM

SINFUL REWARDS 12: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / BAM


USA Today bestselling author CYNTHIA SAX lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say “I love you,” they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago. You can visit her at @CynthiaSax and http://cynthiasax.com/



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