RELEASE BLITZ: Stakeout by Karen Raines & Brittany Crowley -

RELEASE BLITZ: Stakeout by Karen Raines & Brittany Crowley

Title: Stakeout
A Stalker Novel
Authors: Karen Raines & Brittany Crowley
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 9, 2018

BLURB:  They say sleeping with your best friend is always a bad idea. ALWAYS. Especially when one of them is falling in love while the other is shouting out another woman’s name…

Furious, embarrassed, heartbroken… I’m feeling it all. So when a month long PI contract comes up, I’m jumping at the chance to retreat.

One Month. 

30 days of solitude seems like the answer I need to get my heart in check. Nothing but a beautiful beach, the suns warmth on my skin… and of course, staking out a high profile clients cheating wife. 

But as soon as I step on that private jet I know I’m screwed, in more ways than one. He’s there, all cocky smirk and mouth watering muscles… and now I’m stuck in close quarters with my heartbreaker best friend.

I can do this, I can work with the devil. We’re professionals, the best of the best.

But when chaos ensues and our lives are on the line, can I count on him to have my back?

Do I trust him enough to let him?

THOUGHTS:  I had never read either of these authors before, but the blurb was just too good to pass up!  It hits on a favorite theme of mine, the friends-to-lovers, which is usually a sure thing for me – and the cover certainly catches your attention!  Personally, I was a bit disappointed though.  The book starts out with our couple already on the outs with each other.  They’ve already had their moment of weakness and fell into bed together – when Colby has a freak out moment and gets the brilliant idea that the ideal way to deter his best friend, Briella, from getting any ideals of the relationship kind he will deliberately call out her cousin’s name in the middle of the dirty deed….uhm, what?!  I had a hard time liking Colby after that, and the story really didn’t ever recover from that faux pas.  Sorry, but not only is this not just some random woman you picked up in a bar, but your best friend….considering at the very least, most normal people would at least want to salvage the friendship, so pissing her off to that degree was just stupid.  Where is the caring for this long-time friend?  Seriously?  And if you are someone who holds a grudge – like me, for example – it’s just done after that.  And that’s kind of where I am with the book – I mean, he can grovel all he wants, offer up excuse after excuse, and force himself into my vicinity but it doesn’t make up for any of what he did, his thought process, and how he acted.  It doesn’t make up for the lack of caring.  Period.

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38464373-stakeout

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Karen Raines

A self-confessed reading addict, Karen is usually found either writing or with her nose stuck in a book. Or Adulting because apparently, she should do that too sometimes!

She’s a lover of wildly inappropriate humour, has an addiction to swear words and bananas, lands her foot in her mouth daily… but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Karen can be summed up with 5 words:

Friendly, loyal, thankful, funny and above all… Smutty!

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/authorkarenraines
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1100905163282279
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Karen_Raines_SI
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karenraines_author
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8134951.Karen_Raines
Website: http://www.karenraineswrites.com

Brittany Crowley

Brittany Crowley was born and raised in Massachusetts. She still lives there today with her husband and 3 kids. Getting into the world of romance after she had her first child, she was hooked. Though she had many ideas in her head, Brittany was unsure if she had what it took to become a writer. A few encouraging words and one writing challenge later, she completed her first book. Now you can find her trying to keep up with her crazy kids and writing any chance she gets.

Website: https://www.authorbrittanycrowley.com
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2oCEOnn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorBCrowley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorbrittanycrowley
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/…/16221789.Brittany_Crowley
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/brittany-crowley
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorbrittanycrowley

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