RELEASE BLITZ: Too Good At Goodbyes PLUS Excerpt -

RELEASE BLITZ: Too Good At Goodbyes PLUS Excerpt

Title: Too Good at Goodbyes
Author: RC Boldt
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 29, 2019

BLURB: First Top 40 hit at age seventeen? My first tabloid breakup scandal quickly followed.
Earned my first Grammy? Discovered Mommy Dearest was embezzling my money.
Landed a leading role in a movie? My fiancé called off our engagement the next day.

I might have a multi-million-dollar recording contract, a sold-out world tour, and
more money in the bank than I ever imagined, but every time I hit a milestone in my
career, my personal life suffers.

Then in steps my new bodyguard, rugged and with a past I connect with. The closer we
get, the more powerful my feelings grow, complicating our professional relationship.

I thought Kane would be different. I hoped he’d be the one man to stand by my side,
undaunted by the fame and attention that trails me.

The press calls me the “Ice Princess of Pop” because of my unyielding façade
throughout heartbreak and betrayal. Perhaps it’s time to show them the real me.

With every syllable, I pour out my emotions and allow them to puddle, forming lyrics
from my soul’s breath. And with each word, my broken heart cries out for Kane,
begging him to help me break this pattern.

To help me stop being so damn good at goodbyes.

REVIEW: If love books involving pop/rock stars, you couldn’t get more perfect than this.  I loved the characters – it easily felt like you were about a real celebrity and my mind kept going to Taylor Swift (not sure if that is intended by the author or not).  The romance between these two was so sweet and I loved how the book flowed.  Great romance!

Review: A



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EXCERPT: Copyright @2019 by RC BOLDT
Present Day
The Super Bowl Halftime Performance
Hard Rock Stadium
Miami Gardens, Florida
Facing what’s estimated to be over sixty-seven thousand people with my favorite
guitar strapped snug against me, I prepare to sing my final song.

Standing up here in front of thousands of fans is second nature. I performed in
countless dive bars before breaking onto the scene and securing my first record
deal, then moving on to sold-out world tours. Which means I shouldn’t have sweaty
palms like a preteen working up the nerve to talk to her crush.

My heart shouldn’t be racing like a horse competing in the Kentucky Derby.

My stomach shouldn’t churn as though I’ve eaten ceviche from a questionable food

Tremors shouldn’t affect my hands like a virgin embarking on their deflowering.

None of this should be afflicting me. But it is.

Because of him.

Because of the current state of my heart.

But this is how I deal with heartache. With tragedy. With…life.

“This is a little different, and I hope you like it,” I rasp into the mic. Noise
from the cheering fans is deafening, and like every time I perform, the surreal
quality never quite fades.

Tonight marks the first time I’ll share a song I wrote about someone who eviscerated
my heart entirely. My other relationships—and subsequent failures—pale in

It’s no secret that love and broken hearts inspire great songwriting. With regard to
the latter, it’s never hard to find someone mourning an unrequited love, suffering
heartache, or wishing they’d find their own glorified everlasting love.

But have you noticed when male musicians write about it, they’re never on the
receiving end of the snide, sarcastic comments of, “Oh, poor thing. He’s rich and
famous and can’t find love. Boo-freaking-hoo.”?

Yet when I write lyrics that are the closest thing to ripping out my heart and
putting it on display for the world, I receive the “She’s probably selfish and put
her career first” or “She probably cheated, and now she’s regretting it” or “Mm. So
sad. The Ice Princess of Pop is heartbroken.”

My response? Fuck that noise. I’m writing from my heart and soul, regardless of how
damaged they might be at any given time. And as long as my fans continue to support
me, I’m going to keep on keepin’ on.

“I’d like to dedicate this song to a special person.” I duck my chin, willing myself
to maintain composure. “It’s called ‘Embers.’”

Once I strum the first note on my guitar, everything around me fades. My voice
emerges from the shards scattered within my chest where my working heart once was.

When I play that final chord, I see tears streaming down the faces of the fans in
the front rows. And yet again, I’m reminded of something all too easily forgotten.
That there are others who can relate to lyrics written from my soul’s breath.

Because in heartache, we’re never truly alone.


RC Boldt currently lives on the southeastern coast of the U.S., enjoys long walks on
the beach, running, reading, people watching, and singing karaoke. If you’re in the
mood for some killer homemade mojitos, can’t recall the lyrics to a particular 80’s
song, or just need to hang around a nonconformist who will do almost anything for a
laugh, she’s your girl.


Email: rcboldtbooks@gmail.com (mailto:rcboldtbooks@gmail.com)

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