Release Day Blitz: Cale by Victoria Ashley + Excerpt + Review + GIVEAWAY -

Release Day Blitz: Cale by Victoria Ashley + Excerpt + Review + GIVEAWAY

tag14Cale Tour


Cover by CT Cover Creations

Release Date: July 6th

tag17My name is Cale Kinley and I’m a fucking Virgin

Well, with the exception of my tongue. The countless things I can do with my tongue are bound to leave you breathless and begging for more, but more… is something that I can’t give. It’s a choice. My choice.

There’s a reason for that. A very good reason, and that reason is her.


She’s the only woman that I want to bury myself deep in. The one woman I have wanted since I was old enough to fuck.

I never got my chance though, because she left. She had no choice and it stung like hell. But I couldn’t let her leave without telling her how I felt. I wanted her to be my first and I didn’t give a shit how long I’d have to wait.

It’s been six years and now she’s back and sexier than all hell. Just the sight of her stops my damn heart from beating. I want her and for more than just having her as my first.

I’m determined to have her in every way possible. She thinks this is still a game; that I’ve already given myself to countless women. What she doesn’t know is that I have a lot of willpower.

When I want something as badly as I want her, I don’t let shit stand in my way. I’m going to prove that to her. There’s just one little problem I need to take care of…


Cale teaser

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tag19After securing my apron filled with my lotions and oils, I turn to the table and my heart starts pounding like crazy in my chest as I see a body, barely covered by a small towel, just waiting to be touched by me. I swallow hard while letting my eyes roam over the stiff muscles of the tanned back on display. The top of the client’s ass peeks out of the towel, displaying the roundest, firmest ass I have ever seen before… and the dimples in his back are making it hard for me to gain some much-needed confidence.

Doing a silly little shake in an attempt to shake my nerves off, I squirt some oil in my hands and slowly run my hands up the bottom of his back, being sure to make it feel as insanely good as I possibly can.

The feel of his muscled back beneath my fingers and the deep, undeniably sexy moan that escapes his throat almost has me turned on as I start to go lower, until I’m right above his ass.

“Go lower,” the deep voice whispers. “Take the towel off.”

I almost deny his request, when I remember that Sensual Touches is clothing optional. That’s the one thing that almost kept me from applying, but comparing the pay that you get here versus the other options, I knew what my choice had to be.

“This is new to me,” I whisper, before speaking up. “Let me know if you get uncomfortable and I’ll replace it before you flip over on your back.”

“That won’t be an issue,” he says huskily.

Keeping my moan to myself, I lower my hands down to his ass, removing the towel little by little as I continue to get lower. As soon as my hands reach the bottom of his ass, I remove the towel completely and hold back the gasp that fights to escape me.

Holy hotness…

Remembering that this was per his request, and that it’s fully professional to be doing this here at Sensual Touches, I grip the back of his upper thighs and massage it while rubbing my thumbs over the bottom of his tight ass, enjoying every single moment of it.

In fact, I’m enjoying it so much that I almost feel guilty. Tyler and I have been broken up for less than a week, and here I am enjoying myself as I rub on another man’s ass, listening closely for each moan that he will grace my ears with.

After spending a good, long, fifteen minutes on his ass itself, I focus my attention on the rest of his muscular body, mentally preparing myself for the rest of his gloriousness that I’ll be seeing in the flesh as soon as I finish up on his backside.

Now I understand why that Hailey chick is going to be pissed off. Massaging this stud has to be the best part of her job here. How can you not enjoy this?

Pulling my hands away, I turn away to give him some privacy. “I’m ready for you to flip over, sir. Please let me know when you’re ready.”

“I’m always ready for you, Rile.”



Oh Man!! Can VA write a hot hot hot sex scene! Have some extra panties around on this one ladies! For as smoking as the story was this is also a genuinely sweet and touching love story about 2 people who have waited a long time to reveal their feelings to one another and to finally be together.

It was a compact and fantastic afternoon read that was not drawn out, nor was it too angsty… it was just right in regards to the drama and the jealousy that anyone would feel if your man took his clothes off for money!

From the wrap-up at the end it seems like this is the end for the Walk of Shame guys. Oh what a wild ride they gave us!! I would suggest this series to anyone who likes their romance erotic and at times funny and light but also with a core group of friends/family that look out for each other and have made a family of their own!

Cale: “My Walk of Shame family became a real family, and I love these f*ckers to death.”

Grade A

B&N and iTunes links coming soon

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Cale 3.5

tag15Victoria Ashley grew up in Rockford, IL and has had a passion for reading for as long as she can remember. After finding a reading app where it allowed readers to upload their own stories, she gave it a shot and writing became her passion.

She lives for a good romance book with tattooed bad boys that are just highly misunderstood and is not afraid to be caught crying during a good read. When she’s not reading or writing about bad boys, you can find her watching her favorites shows such as Sons Of Anarchy, Dexter and True Blood.

She is the author of Wake Up Call, This Regret, Slade, Hemy, and Get Off on the Pain. Victoria is currently working on more releases for 2015.

Victoria’s Facebook Page



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  1. Pingback: Release Blitz: Walk of Shame (The Full Series) by Victoria Ashley |

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