Review: When We Found Home by Susan Mallory -

Review: When We Found Home by Susan Mallory

Title: When We Found Home
Series: N/A
Author: Susan Mallery
Genre: Romance, Women’s Fiction, Contemporary

Life is meant to be savored, but that’s not easy with no family, limited prospects and a past you’d rather not talk about. Still, Callie Smith doesn’t know how to feel when she discovers she has a brother and a sister–Malcolm, who grew up with affection, wealth and privilege, and Keira, a streetwise twelve-year-old.

Callie doesn’t love being alone, but at least it’s safe. Despite her trepidation, she moves into the grand family home with her siblings and grandfather on the shores of Lake Washington, hoping just maybe this will be the start of a whole new life.

But starting over can be messy. Callie and Keira fit in with each other, but not with their posh new lifestyle, leaving Malcolm feeling like the odd man out in his own home. He was clever enough to turn a sleepy Seattle mail-order food catalog into an online gourmet powerhouse, yet he can’t figure out how to help his new sisters feel secure. Becoming a family will take patience, humor, a little bit of wine and a whole lot of love.

But love isn’t Malcolm’s strong suit… until a beautiful barista teaches him that an open heart, like the family table, can always make room for more.

Thoughts: I’ve not read a Susan Mallery book in years. The last woman’s fiction book she wrote I DNF’d but when I saw this book and read the blurb I knew I had to read it. I had to see how these three became siblings in the truest sense of the word. And come on that cover…it just screams READ ME.

The book is told from 4 points of view, Malcolm and his love interest, Delaney and Callie and her love interest Santiago (who is also Malcolm’s best friend).  As much as I liked seeing Delaney and Santiago’s pov I think I would have loved the book if it had been told from just the siblings pov. There is a lot going on between them.

If there is a downside it’s that the only time we get to see Keira’s POV is through the other characters and their interactions with her. The book would have been much more powerful with her POV.

At the heart of this story however is 3 siblings who grow up knowing nothing of each other and yet make a family.

Grade B

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