Romance for Puerto Rico -

Romance for Puerto Rico

About Our Auction

In the early hours of Tuesday January 7, 2020, parts of the island of Puerto Rico were devastated by a series of strong earthquakes resulting in the loss of lives, collapsed buildings, loss of electricity for nearly three million residents and left hundreds of thousands of people without running water. The earthquakes are still happening. People are living in open-air shelters rather than risk moving back to their homes. There are a confirmed 700 + destroyed homes and much more damage to infrastructure in the area. Help is needed and quickly.

The Romance for PR silent auction will raise funds for The Hispanic Federation and World Central Kitchen. As you read this, these organizations are in Puerto Rico providing much-needed relief for those affected by the earthquakes, many still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Maria which made landfall in September of 2017.

About Romance for PR

The Romance for PR silent auction was made possible by the generous donations & support from various members of the romance community, including authors, editors, designers, artists, bloggers, reviewers, readers & many, many more.

100% of the money raised will be directly donated to World Central Kitchen (https://wck.org/) and/or The Hispanic Federation (https://hispanicfederation.org/). Please feel free to use the link above to make a donation to either organization.

For inquiries, please contact Lucy Eden at romanceforpr@gmail.com

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