Endometriosis, infertility, learning disabilities, adoption, abuse, broken families, death in the the family, beating a major illness, battling depression and anxiety, mixed race families, coming out, loss of a career, found families, second chances at love, rediscovering who we are, blind dates that end up in a HEA.
These are just a few of the many different life experiences we go through each day. And some of these are experiences we very rarely ever see in a story, let alone a romance story. So when we do see it it makes us connect with the characters even more.
I can talk about books all day and night long…but today I’m only going to mention 3. Okay 2 series and 1 book. These are the 3 that made me feel like there were others going through the same thing as me.

The first time I can really remember connecting with a series was Christine Feehan’s Carpathian series. Really a book about vampires? Yes. Because one of the main plot points for this series is the infertility that they are suffering. For the first I want to say 15 books it’s talked about A LOT. The first time I read one of these books I felt like there was someone who understood what I was going through and how hard it is. I had no one in my family or my social circle who understood this as I come from a long line of fertile myrtles and potent petes so reading about characters who were struggling with this had me crying in the library when I read it. Someone got it.

The second book that I’m going to talk about is one I’ve gone back to several times over the years. It is The Scorsoline Marriage Bargain. The reason I’m talking about this book is because Lucy tackles a topic that until I read it I had never ever seen in a book, and after talking to other readers they hadn’t either. Add in the fact that this book is a Harlequin category and it makes this book that much more powerful. The heroine of the book suffers from endometriosis. A horrible disease that effects 1 in 10 individuals with a uterus, this includes, women, transmen and nonbinary. . While this is a romance story the struggle between the two main characters is all about this disease and how it is impacting her way of life and the choices she is making. There are several scenes where the author describes EXACTLY what it’s like physically to suffer with endometriosis. Since the writing of this book the advancements in the treatment have come light years.
Have there been any books/series where you have felt like the MC’s were going through the same thing as you and that they got it?
Endometriosis, infertilidad, los dificultades de aprendizaje, adopción, maltratar, familias rotas, vencer a una enfermedad grave, luchando contra la depresión, ansiedad, familias de raza mixta, pérdida de una carrera, familias encontradas, segunda oportunidades de amar, redescubriendo quienes somos, citas a ciegas.
Estos son algunas de las muchas cosas diferentes que pasamos en nuestras vidas. Algunas de estas experiencias nunca vemos en los cuentos especialmente en novelas rosas. Cuándo lo vemos sentimos una conexión con las personas en el cuento.
Puedo hablar de libros todo el tiempo…pero hoy solo voy a hablar de tres, pues um serie y un libro. Este dos fueron la primera vez que sentí que hay otros personas que tienen las mismas problemas.

La primera vez que puedo recordar un conexión con las personas es cuándo leí los Carpathians de Christine Feehan. Los vampiros, ¿en serio? Si, en serio. La razón es porque un gran parte del problema con los Carpathians es que están sufriendo del infertilidad. Por la primera vez sentí que hay alguien que me entiendes. No conocía alguien que estaba sufriendo con la infertilidad, no tenía alguien de hablar. Pero dentro de estas páginas había gente, que sabía.

El segundo libro que voy a hablar es uno que leí muchas veces. Se llama The Scorsolini Marriage Bargain. En The Scorsolini Marriage Bargain, la problema entre los MC’s es una enfermedad. En este libro Harlequin y el autor Lucy Monroe habla de un enfermedad que una en diez personas quienes que tienen un uterus tiene. Endometriosis. La romanca es importante pero el cuento central es cómo afecta su enfermedad. Hay algunas escenas donde el autor describe exactamente como es a sufrir con este enfermedad.
Hay libros/series donde ha sentido que los MC’s estaban pasando de las mismas cosas de it?