Scandalous Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt -

Scandalous Desire by Elizabeth Hoyt

Title: Scandalous Desire

Series: Maiden Lane Series bk 3

Author: Elizabeth Hoyt

Genre: Historical Romance

Can a pirate learn . . .

River Pirate ‘Charming’ Mickey O’Connor has lifted himself from the depths of the slums to be the King of St. Giles. Anything he wants he gets—with one exception. Silence Hollingbrook has been haunting his dreams ever since she spent a single night in his bed.

That the only true treasure . . . 
Once Silence was willing to sacrifice anything to save the man she loved. Now a widow, she’s finally found peace when Charming Mickey comes storming back into her life with an offer she can’t refuse. But this time she won’t be the only one paying the price for his sins.

Lies in a woman’s heart?
When his past comes back to torment him, Mickey must keep Silence safe from a merciless enemy, while wrestling with the delicious hold this widow has on his heart. And in the face of mounting danger, both will have to surrender to something even more terrifying . . . true love.

Ever since the first book in this series I have been waiting for this story. You couldn’t read Wicked Intentions without knowing that this story was coming.We just didn’t know what was going to happen.

From the moment I picked this book up I couldn’t put it down. I was never really sure how she was going to redeem Mickey from being a ruthless bastard or how she was going to make Silence into a believable heroine. I should have trusted Elizabeth. They way this story came to together was amazing.

Mickey and Silence’s road to HEA is most definitely not easy. There is anger, revulsion, derision, sexual tension, and a really nasty guy that is out to destroy everything Mickey has including Silence and his daughter.

Silence had no intentions of liking Mickey. In fact she blamed him for the destruction of her marriage and her reputation. The fact that he has taken the baby she has been raising for over a year has her so angry she wants to do serious harm to him. When he reveals that he is the father of said baby and to keep her she has to stay with him. What she never expected was for her feelings to change.

Mickey doesn’t have a selfless bone in his body. However he will protect those he considers his with everything in him. He put his daughter in Silence’s home because that is where he thought she would do the most good for him. When his great4est enemy discovers she exists he begins to discover a side of him he never knew existed.

Watching Mickey and Silence discover sides of themselves they didn’t know were there was an experience. Their love story isn’t one of those easy loves that you normally see in historical romance stories. It is hard and gritty. But in the end the sacrifices that they both make are one of the most powerful endings I have ever read.

And the reveal of who the Ghost of St.Giles is was sooo not who I thought it was.

If you like unconventional heroes and heroines then you will want to read this book. This is definitely a book that you need to read the previous books to truly understand everything that is going on.

Grade A-

Other books in the

Wicked Intentions


Notorious Pleasures

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  1. Gail Nichols

    I haven’t read any of Ms.Hoyt’s books.I think I will start with this one it sounds wonderful.

  2. aurian

    Hmm sounds different, but good. Only that heroines name … why do authors use such strange names?

  3. TBRG (Post author)

    Gail, This is really a book that needs to be read as part of a series. There are a couple of things that won’t make much sense without the backstory.

    Aurian believe it or not Silence was a popular name in England during the time this book takes place.


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