SEAL of My Dreams review -

SEAL of My Dreams review

Title: SEAL of my Dreams


Author: Various

Genre: Contemporary

Honor, duty, courage, passion . . . the men of the Navy SEALs are a special breed of hero, and in these stories by eighteen top romance authors these heroes are celebrated not only as symbols of devoted service to their country but as the kind of man every woman wants to love. They’ll rescue a damsel in distress and her lap dog, too. They’ll battle hometown dramas and international bad guys. When it comes to giving away their hearts, they’ll risk everything.

All proceeds from sales of SEAL of My Dreams goes to the Veterans Research Corporation, a non-profit fundraiser for veterans’ medical research.

Among them, the authors of SEAL of My Dreams have won dozens of writing awards including multiple RITAs from Romance Writers of America. Their nearly 600 published novels have sold at least 35 million copies worldwide. The SEAL of My Dreams roster includes many of the best-known authors in modern romance fiction. In addition, many have strong family connections to the servicemen and women of our nation’s military, and many specialize in novels featuring heroes and heroines from all branches of service.

For the last couple of days I have been consumed with reading this book. At first I wanted to read it because of who some of the authors participating in it. Then when Tara told me how the book came to be I knew I had to read because of who they are honoring.

For as long as I can remember I have been in love with men in uniform. I would like to say it was because one of the most important men in my life my Grandpa wore the uniform but that would be a lie as I didn’t find out he’d served until I was an adult. I think it started when my next door neighbor and best friend Aaron’s brother Brandon came home from boot camp wearing his Marine dress clothes. I was 12 and for the first time he wasn’t Aaron’s brother that had teased and tormented me all my life he was HOT!! From that point on I have devoured military heroes.

When I was in high school the first Gulf War happened and SEAL’s were everywhere not to mention that really good movie Navy SEALS with Charlie Sheen (back when he was HOT) and I fell in love with SEAL’s. For the longest time I thought I would marry one. Alas I married a guy who would have been an Air Force guy had be been able.

The story of how this anthology came about is one that will resonate with everyone. You see the picture on the cover of this book, he isn’t a cover model. No he is an actual SEAL who was stationed near Fallugah when this picture was taken. When it appeared in the Washington Post after SEAL team Six took out one of the worlds most dangerous men a conversation was started on hot hot he was, and the then started wondering who he was, what was his story, and we have this amazing book as a result.

As I read these stories, some of them the SEAL’s finally getting their HEA with the loves of their lives, and some of them just meeting the loves of their lives, the one thing that was always crystal clear was that these men would whatever they could for those that they loved. They would also protect those that were unable to protect themselves, and that no matter what they would find a way to make it home. There some I laughed at, some that made me cry and some that made me sigh.

The cast of authors that have come together to write these books that pay tribute to these amazing men is like a who’s who in romance. The tribute by Robyn Carr made me cry.

This is one of those books that I feel very strongly that everyone needs to buy this book, regardless of whether you like all the authors or not. The proceeds are going to a very worthy cause and the stories are all really good.

Grade A+

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  1. Cindy Gerard

    Thanks for the great review, Heather! We are all so proud to be a part of this collection of stories! Hugs

  2. carole

    I really want to read this book, I’ve been in love with Seals since I’ve had a cousin and a good friend, then i met a guy from Texas who was a rancher and a seal, we losted touch, but after a few years ago he came back into my life. Anyways, I love your books so this one willbe another good one.

  3. leisa prater

    I have Seal of my Dreams on my wish list and I would love to win this book and get started reading. Thank you!!!…lprater@modweldco.com

  4. Dianne K

    I can’t wait to read this book!! Love a man in uniform! Kudos to the generous authors for giving of their time and talents for a most worthy cause. ♥

  5. Kim in Hawaii

    Mahalo to the authors for coming together to promote military heroes and raise funds for them. Looking forward to reading this book.

    “Ua ola loko I ke aloha.” Love is necessary for life.

  6. Donna

    Have been patiently waiting on this book since the stir began with “the picture” that became the cover. Can’t wait to read it and would LOVE to win a copy.

  7. Laura Sheehan

    Can’t wait for this book! I’ve been a big fan of Cindy Gerard and several of the other authors for a long time, and this book is right up my ally.

    I think the attraction to military men is beyond the simple matter of them being in peak physical shape and looking hot in uniform; I think it’s more than that. I think there is something that is awe-inspiring about a person who puts their life on the line for a bigger cause (which is why police officers and firefighters can be equally as mesmerizing), not to mention the confidence and capability that are mandatory in a good soldier. When a country is at war, like ours has been for the last decade, then you add in the factors that tug at our heart-strings: our soldiers being away from home/family in dangerous situations for months/years at a time; the fact that those soldiers are seeing war-torn nations up close and fearing that they aren’t doing the right thing or not doing enough; and those soldiers suffering through horrendous events and still trying to remain “strong” for their country, their fellow soldiers, their family, and themselves.

    Is it really any wonder why we are so fascinated? It goes so far beyond looking hot in a uniform. They are as inspiring as they are mesmerizing.

    This book is for such a great cause. I plan to buy several copies for gifts this holiday season!

  8. Pat F.

    I have wanted to read this book since the flurry about the HOT guy in the picture. I love to read Navy Seal books, all the military services are so worthy of stories, but have had a place in my heart for the Seals. I was even more excited when I found out about the proceeds going to such a worthy cause. Can’t wait for Nov. 1st.

    I also agree with Kim from Hawaii…..Love is necessary for life. Looks muuch prettier in Hawaiian. Thanks to all the wonderful authors!

  9. Judy H

    I have pre-ordered this book. I love the Navy Seals and have a nephew in the Navy. I LOVE the books on Navy Seals with Cindy Gerard and other authors. I am glad that the proceeds are going to veterans. My dad served in WWII as did my Grandfather. I am married to a policeman so you can see I love men in uniform! Thanks for writing this. I cannot wait to receive this book when it is released.

  10. Kylie Brant

    Thanks, Heather, for the great review! It was an honor to be included in this anthology and I’m excited about the reception it’s already getting.


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