Secrets That Simmer by Ivy Sinclair -

Secrets That Simmer by Ivy Sinclair

cover85025-mediumTitle:    Secrets That Simmer

Series:  Urban Dwellers Book #2

Author:  Ivy Sinclair

Genre:  Romance, Paranormal, Shifters

Blurb:   Wolf shifter Anthony Atwood is the most sought after expert on shifter psychological behavior. The son of a politician and a co-owner of the hottest nightclub in Copper City, he is intimately familiar with being in the spotlight. Maggie O’Hara is an up and coming prosecutor who has made her career taking down shifter criminals who thought themselves above the law.

When an anonymous case file from a seventeen-year-old cold case lands on Maggie’s desk linking it to Anthony Atwood, she can’t believe it. She has no choice but to pursue it and confront him.

Tony can’t fight the irresistible call to make Maggie his, but all the while his darkest secret is bubbling to the surface. Maggie could prove to be his best ally…or his worst enemy.

Thoughts:  After reading the first book in this series, Silence That Sizzles, I simply had to read book two – if for no other reason than to have at least found out the truth of what happened regarding the ‘secret’ that bind the three Urban Dwellers together.  Oddly enough, I was a bit conflicted between books one and two….there were a number of things about book one that I liked better, but some things that I liked better when it came to book two.  In book one, I really liked the characters and the story, but I felt like so much background was missing that kept me from really and truly connecting with the characters the way I wanted to.  Book two seemed a bit stronger in that area, and did a really good job fitting in bits and pieces of the history surrounding their ‘mysterious secret’, but it left off on a big cliffhanger!  Obviously, the story will continue with book three, but for a lot of readers this is going to be one of those cliffhangers that really bug you and leave you feeling dissatisfied.  Luckily there is only about a week in between book release dates, so you don’t have to be tortured for very long!

Can’t wait to see how the next book goes!

Rate:  B

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