Series Review: Chronicles of the One by Nora Roberts -

Series Review: Chronicles of the One by Nora Roberts

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts comes an epic, post-apocalyptic saga, Chronicles of The One. In a world full of hope and horror, chaos and magick, where everything from electricity to government institutions has crumbled, a group of survivors must embark on a supernatural journey that will unite them in a fight for the battle of their lives. The end has come. The beginning comes next…in Year One.

As I’ve thought about this series and how to talk about it I’ve written and deleted at least ten different reviews. I’ve written some for each book and then written some for the entire series and I’ve hated them all.

Why did I hate them you ask?

Because none of them conveyed how amazing this series is. Together.

Let me say this again. Together.

And yet it wasn’t until now that I felt I could explain how reading this series now feels. Maybe it’s only until now that I can fully appreciate what Nora did with this series. Maybe it’s only now after what has happened and gripped the world this year that we can truly appreciate this series.

When I read Year One just before it came out back in 2017 I struggled, and I mean I STRUGGLED with it. I had a hard time connecting to the world Roberts had created. I mean a health pandemic that takes out millions of people? Even in a paranormal series this was a bit much. HELLO 2020! I didn’t say anything then, even when people who know that I read and review ALL of Roberts books were asking me about it because it was so different from her other books my thoughts, I told them I was going to hold off on commenting until Of Blood and Bone came out.

Of Blood and Bone is VERY different from any Roberts EVER. I can say this with 100% confidence as I consider myself an expert on her books, as I’ve read all but 2 of them. And I own all but those 2 books.

When Of Blood and Bone picks up Fallon who was born at the end of Year One is thirteen. This books takes place from the time that she is 13 till she’s around 18. It’s during this time that we’re introduced to the full cast of characters that will help Fallon save them all. So why is this one so different? Because there is NO ROMANCE! There is no love story between Fallon and her eventual hero. They do meet and start working together, but there is no hand holding, long looks, or kissing between them. I will say that Duncan does have a vision of the two of them, I think he’s 17 when he has it, and the vision takes place several years in the future.

I loved this book. It has everything I love about fantasy/paranormal stories. A kick-ass heroine who has to learn how to control her powers so that she can save her family. One who has grit. She doesn’t take no for an answer. Watching Fallon grow up and into her powers had me starting the book all over again after I’d finished it the 1st time.

The Rise of Magicks starts years later so Fallon is now in her twenties and here is where you start to see how the things from Year One and Of Blood and Bone all come together.

As I’ve thought about this series, I’ve looked back and thought about all of the trilogies that Roberts has written for the last twenty years, and with the exception of the Bride Quartet, and The Chesapeake Bay Series I believe (please correct me if I’m wrong) they’ve all been paranormal. All of them have been leading to THIS series. Starting with the Donovan Legacy (my gateway to all things Nora), Roberts has given glimpses into the world of magic.

In The Chronicles of the One she has taken all of the magic and given us so much more.

If you love Nora’s magic stories then you won’t want to miss out on this one. I do recommend reading them back to back, however.

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