Series Saturday: Alaskan Royal Family by MaryJanice Davidson -

Series Saturday: Alaskan Royal Family by MaryJanice Davidson

I discovered this series years ago at my local library and quickly fell in love with this family. To date they remain one of my favorites, and  one of those series I really want the author to go back and finish telling the stories of the other members of the family. I will warn you, this isn’t a series you can read at night in bed as it will result in your bed partner kicking you out of bed because you are laughing so hard.  For those of you who have KU this series is on it.

the royal treatmentIn this delightful and dazzling erotic novel, MaryJanice Davidson creates an alternate contemporary world nearly identical to ours in which Russia never sold the Alaskan territory to the United States. Instead, Alaska has won its independence and established itself as a constitutional monarchy…and now, the King of Alaska badly needs a bride for his son and heir…

The country of Alaska is as forbidding as it is beautiful. And the royal family is as rough-around-the-edges as they are coolly civilized. Other royal families may find them shocking, but after all, in this wilderness kingdom, being a crack shot and expert trapper is just as important as knowing your salad fork from your dessert fork. Unfortunately, when the rest of the royals find you mildly savage, marrying off your royal brood can be a royal pain. King Alexander II is desperate. Why, he’d settle for any girl. A commoner. An American, even!

Stranded tourist Christina Krabbe is American, and a commoner, but she has zero interest in enduring a royal wedding, producing royal heirs, and becoming Queen of Alaska…until she gets a good look at Prince David. He may be a bit unruly–actually, the words untamed and slightly dangerous come to mind–but Christina’s no delicate flower herself. And when His Highness discovers Christina can give as good as she gets, he’s Prince Charmed, if not quite charming. But can a wild man Prince and a modern American girl make a life together? And will the palace still be standing when the dust clears? 



the royal painIn a world nearly identical to ours, the North won the Civil War, Ben and JLo got married, and everyone dresses well to attend the Grammys. Oh, and Russia never sold Alaska to the U.S. Instead, Alaska is a rough, beautiful country ruled by a famously eccentric royal family, including oldest daughter, Princess Alexandria, whose acid wit and bad case of insomnia have turned her into a tabloid darling, a palace problem, and overall…

The Royal Pain
PMarine biologist Dr. Shel (“Never Sheldon”) Rivers has a problem. Some princess expects him to wait on her, hand and dimpled foot. His boss is taken with the royal redhead — brunette, whatever, it’s not like he keeps track of that stuff — and nobody realizes that he just wants to be left alone in his lab. All alone. All the time. Weekends, holidays — it’s all good.

Now here’s Miss Royalpants, insisting that he escort her around the marine institute, explain what he s doing, kiss her until her toes curl — no, wait, that was his idea. She’s not even apologetic about being born into a royal family! Says it’s his problem to overcome, not hers. Which leaves him with one option: to kiss her again. And again. And…

So she’s nothing like he expected. In fact, Dr. Rivers can see that this fantastic, exasperating woman has problems no princess should ever have to deal with. And he has an idea to help her get some much-needed sleep. Of course, it involves getting very, very tired beforehand, but if she’s up to it, then so is he…

the royal messIn this delightfully madcap sequel to The Royal Treatment, the Baranov family is back and as unpredictable as ever, and a prickly princess and cranky Ph.D. are about to discover that love conquers attitude every time!

In a world nearly identical to ours, the North won the Civil War, flannel is the new bling, and Russia never sold Alaska to the U.S. Instead, Alaska is a beautiful, rough-and-tumble country ruled by a famously eccentric royal family who put the fun back in dysfunctional. And the tabloid darlings are about to get more ink once the King’s “royal oats” come back in the form of a surprise princess, landing them all in, well. . . The Royal Mess

Jeffrey Rodinov is descended from one of the oldest families in Alaska, and a Rodinov has been protecting a Baranov for generations. It’s a job Jeffrey takes VERY seriously. Six feet four inches, 220 fatless lbs., black hair, and blue eyes;weapon of choice: the 9 mm Beretta. In a pinch? His fists. IQ: 157. (Yes, crossword puzzle, in ink, just after taking out the guy behind you. No thanks necessary.) No one ever sees Jeffrey Rodinov coming, and no one–not even a mouthy, illegitimate princess–is going to keep him from playing bodyguard when his king decrees it.

Right. But no Rodinov ever had to protect Princess Nicole Krenski. Her credentials? Hunting guide in the Alaskan wilderness. Smart. Stubborn bordering on exasperating. Five-seven. Blue eyes. Very kissable mouth. Very kissable neck, back, legs, wrists, earlobes. The lady says she doesn’t need a bodyguard, but that’s where she’s wrong. Someone needs to watch her and show her the royal ropes (and cuffs. . .and scarves. . .). Someone who can make her feel like a queen–in and out of bed. And that’s a job Jeffrey Rodinov takes very seriously as well. . .

In this deliciously sexy, wickedly funny companion to “The Royal Treatment ” and “The Royal Pain, ” a reluctant princess and a determined royal bodyguard are about to discover that when it comes to powerful love, there are no defenses.

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