Served Cold by Marie Harte -

Served Cold by Marie Harte

Title: Served Cold

Series: Best Revenge Book #1

Stand Alone Title: yes
Author: Marie Harte

Genre: Romance

Blurb: A little white lie has the power to bring a reformed bad boy to his knees…
Back in high school, Ann Weaver told herself getting ditched by Jack Bloom was for the best. At twenty-nine, she’s way over him. He was her first, but definitely not her last.

On weekly wine night with her friends, the talk turns to regrets—and Ann finds herself pledging to fix her past, starting with confronting those who treated her like dirt. Her first target: Jack, who’s recently moved back to town to stay.

But something’s different. He’s funny, kind, and amazing in bed. He acts like he really likes her, might even love her. Soon Ann is having a hard time remembering she’s only in it for revenge. Especially when she learns the real reason he dumped her.

Jack is older, wiser, and has a hell of a lot of experience behind him. For a chance at a future with this grown-up, gorgeous Ann, he’s ready to do whatever it takes. Until her true motive for rekindling their romance comes to light, and Jack must decide if forgiveness is enough to let love push through the lie.

Warning: A woman who’s out for revenge and encouraging friends rooting her on. May include sex in the outdoors, fun with salad, kissing in class, and a school teacher swearing like a sailor—not necessarily in that order.

Favorite quote(s)/excerpt: “Honey, I’m in love with you.  I have been since the first moment I laid eyes on you.”

“In fifth grade?” she rasped.

“Well, the first moment I laid eyes on you after you got boobs.”

She wiped a tear from her eye and snorted.  “There’s my Mr. Romance.”

Thoughts: So I started this series a little out of order – I read Served Hot first (which I loved!), and I still need to read Served Sweet.  Marie Harte is one of my favorites, and if you are a fan of hers you’ll love this addition as well.  I liked Served Hot a lot better, largely because I need a heroine with a bit more personality and backbone.  I also thought the big ‘reason’ for the breakup was lame, immature, and I would have been mad at him too for being stupid enough to listen to all his friends and never even ask her about things!  There wasn’t even a circumstance that made things appear to be other than what they were!  It was a little hard for me to like Jack because of that.  It does make me a little hesitant to read Served Sweet, since the male character in that seems even more unlikeable, but if anyone can pull it off, it is Marie Harte!

Rating: A-

Other books in this series: Served Hot (book two) and Served Sweet (book three)

Other reviews:  Sarah’s Review of Served Hot

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