Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh -

Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh

shards of hopeTitle:  Shards of Hope

Series:  Psy-Changling Book #14

Author:  Nalini Singh

Genre:  Romance, Sci-fi/Fantasy, Paranormal

Blurb:   Awakening wounded in a darkened cell, their psychic abilities blocked, Aden and Zaira know they must escape. But when the lethal soldiers break free from their mysterious prison, they find themselves in a harsh, inhospitable landscape far from civilization. Their only hope for survival is to make it to the hidden home of a predatory changeling pack that doesn’t welcome outsiders.

And they must survive. A shadowy enemy has put a target on the back of the Arrow squad, an enemy that cannot be permitted to succeed in its deadly campaign. Aden will cross any line to keep his people safe for this new future, where even an assassin might have hope of a life beyond blood and death and pain. Zaira has no such hope. She knows she’s too damaged to return from the abyss. Her driving goal is to protect Aden, protect the only person who has ever come back for her no matter what.

This time, even Aden’s passionate determination may not be enough—because the emotionless chill of Silence existed for a reason. For the violent, and the insane, and the irreparably broken…like Zaira.

Thoughts:  As with most book series, when you start numbering the books into the double digits it is almost inevitable that the series will slowly start to lose its edge. I absolutely love Nalini Singh and have ever since the very first book I picked up – however, with the last few books in the this particular series, I started feeling my interest wan a little bit. I was teetering on the edge of the precipice – almost ready to drop this series. As it is, I kept dragging my heels reading this one, because I was afraid it would mark the end of a favored series of mine.

Shards of Hope actually wound up breathing new life into this series for me. From the opening pages I just knew that this one was the one to bring back the love I had for this series. Nalini throws us into the action from the get-go – giving me a little moment of going ‘uh…what? Did I miss a book somewhere?’ – while frantically looking up the series reading order…LOL But no, nothing missing…events slowly unfold, while keeping you captivated until the very end. I almost feel like jumping up and shouting, “Yes! A-N-D we’re back in the game!” I was that excited that one of my most beloved series kicked it right back into high gear. This one is definitely a score for Nalini, and I look forward to the new, upcoming story arc for this series!

Rate:  A+

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