Silence That Sizzles by Ivy Sinclair -

Silence That Sizzles by Ivy Sinclair

cover84513-mediumTitle:    Silence That Sizzles

Series:  Urban Dwellers Book #1

Author:  Ivy Sinclair

Genre:  Romance, Paranormal

Blurb:   Although he has the outward appearance of a successful businessman as part owner of the hottest nightclub in Copper City, the Urban Dwellers, bear shifter Kyle Frost hides a secret. A secret that killed his career with the army and sent him into an emotional tailspin.

Doctor Kelly Malone knew Kyle at his lowest and, after quitting her high-profile job with a leading pharmaceutical company, needs his help. She needs him to protect her while she exposes the truth about her research.

As Kyle tracks down the clues to the answer that will keep Kelly safe, he lowers his carefully guarded emotional walls to the attractive doctor. But will he be able to claim her as his forever before it’s too late?

ThoughtsSilence That Sizzles introduces us to the Urban Dwellers and a storyline that is built on the secret that has haunted three shifter alphas for years.  Each of the alphas, all different animals, have come together to create a clan of shifters that unite for their beliefs and values, rather than just by blood oaths.  This is the first book of the series, although if you’re a fan of Ivy Sinclair you will remember running into the Urban Dwellers in her Greyelf Grizzlies series.

For me, the book was an odd mix of a pretty standard paranormal romance mixed with a military themed romantic suspense novel, and it was never really able to balance out quite where it wanted to be.  I also felt like things weren’t quite explained, or at least explained in an orderly way that was easy for the reader to connect with.  A lot of the story is based on this previous relationship between Kyle and Kelly, but the way its told we don’t have that connection with their part of the story – their history.  Rather than tell that story and give us a deeper connection into these characters, we are just expected to fall into it without these missing pieces.  It made me feel like I missed a lot, and it definitely took away something in regards to my connection with these characters.

Still a decent shifter story, and I am curious to see where the other books take us.

Rate:  B-

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