Son of the Morning by Linda Howard -

Son of the Morning by Linda Howard

Title:Son of the Morning

Author: Linda Howard

Genre: Contemporary

A scholar specializing in ancient manuscripts, Grace St. John never imagined that a cache of old documents she discovered was the missing link to a lost Celtic treasure. But as soon as she deciphers the legend of the Knights of the Templar — long fabled to hold the key to unlimited power — Grace becomes the target of a ruthless killer bent on abusing the coveted force. Determined to stop him, Grace needs the help of a warrior bound by duty to uphold the Templar’s secret for all eternity. But to find him — and to save herself — she must go back in time . . . to fourteenth-century Scotland . . . and to Black Niall, a fierce man of dark fury and raw, unbridled desire. . . . 

This is probably my 4th Linda Howard book that I’ve read in the past few months.  I’m not a big Romantic Suspense fan but I do love my Linda Howard.  This started out with a bang and I mean literally.  In fact I was like – “wow that was pretty harsh, not sure if I’m going to like this book.”.  I don’t want to give any spoilers, but Grace St. John the heroine goes through some pretty bad events through this book.  Grace is one tough, smart cookie – a well written heroine.

This book really captured my attention and for awhile I thought it was going to become my favorite Linda Howard book.  I loved how Grave out smarted the bad guys at the beginning and middle of the book.  Howard can write some pretty smart and intriguing stuff that I would never think of.  This book is also a time travel – so if you love the time travel twist I think you will enjoy this book.

I have 1 problem with this book.  The last 25% of it.  I just don’t like how the heroine and hero interacted at the end.  I was hoping for more action with them defeating the bad guys.  But they did that in about 1 page and the rest was them either fighting, talking or apart.

Overall this will not be a book that I will forget soon and I recommend it to all Romantic Suspense fans.  Remember is was written in 1997 – so no cell phones, no high technology no FaceBook, LOL.  :-).

Grade: A-

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